Monday, April 27, 2015

We Believe ~ Basic Belief Studies for Youth

This is the book that our church uses for confirmation class.  Having come from a non-church based background, and what I had attended was not confirmation based.  I had no clue at all what this entailed, meant, or encompassed.  

In Christianity, sadly, there are many "interpretations" of the Holy Bible.  And MANY MANY MANY more traditions based on these interpretations.  

When Christ died, the apostles waited in Jerusalem until Pentecost, at which time they were filled with the Holy Spirit.  They were instructed to preach "THE WAY" in Jerusalem, throughout Judah and Sumara, and then to the ends of the earth.   Along the road to Damascus, a Jew named Paul was struck with blindness, and after his encounter with Jesus, he preached "THE WAY" to the Gentiles.  

Around 300 A.D., Constantine took over the church, made Catholicism the national religion.  Many pagan groups were "pulled" into Christianity with the promise that they could keep their rituals.  Over the course of several hundred years, of interpretation, misinterpretation, men's twisting the Word of God, many in the Catholic faith were viewed as corrupt.  

As early as the 1200's, the Anglican Church began to form.  Methodism formed from the Church of England.  The Pentecostal church was formed from Methodism.  

In Germany, we have Martin Luther and Lutherism.  John Calvin and the Calvinists.  

From these we have, Presbyterian, Latter Day Saints, Baptists, Southern Baptists, 7th Day Adventists, Salvation Army, Jehovah's Witness, Church of Christ, Assembly of God... Just to name a few.  

All of these denominations have their own interpretations of scripture, and their own traditions that they adhere too.  When traditions are challenged, we wind up with other splits.  So many today.  

All of these churches have sacraments.  The Catholic church holds 7 sacraments in their traditions, whereas the Protestant churches (all the others) hold at least 2.  

The sacraments of Communion and Baptism.  Coming from a Baptist background, I can say in the many years that I was in and out of the church, we did communion ONE time, and I had (honestly) no clue what it was, or what it meant.  I am so thankful that I am in the Word myself now.  I have learned so much this past year.  

Communion:  The bread, broken for us, is Christ's body, broken for our salvation.  The cup, Christ's blood shed for us on the cross.  Eat this and drink this, in remembrance of Him, As often as you can.  

Baptism:  A spiritual death, and rebirth in Christ.  Having our sins washed away from us.  Removing the taint of the original sin.  In the Baptist Church we did this at the age of accountability.  10-13 depending on the maturity of the child.  In the Catholic and Lutheran Churches, this is done at birth.  And then later "confirmed" at the age of accountability.  

I was led by the Holy Spirit to become baptized at age 14.  Again, I really had no clue what this meant.  I was so naive as a kid.  And in the Baptist church we didn't have confirmation, because you learned all those things growing up in the church...  but I didn't.  

In the Methodist church, we allow baptism at any age, by sprinkle, dribble or dunk...  I'm a little stuck in my baptist upbringing and after reading the scriptures, feel that dunking is required.  Although the Diadache (handbook from the Apostles early teaching) says any is ok.  

My daughter is old enough this past fall for confirmation class.  And I asked the teacher if I could sit in the corner of the class so that I could learn too.  I think all adults should do this with their kids.  It was so informative from a novice perspective, and what was taught in class was easier to relate for my child since I had been there to hear it first hand.  

The "We Believe" book is the book used for our class.  And I can't tell you how excited I was every week when it was time to sit down with my child for homework.  This class brought home some information that I already knew, enlightened some things I thought I knew, and filled my head with things I need, to get started on my journey with the Lord.  I wish I had done this one sooner than I did.  

Thank you most gracious Heavenly Father, for your enlightenment, and your humbling me daily.  You fill me, complete me, and love me so completely that I am foolish when I don't realize how special I am to you.  Amen.  

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Hidden Girl ~ Lola Rein Kaufman

In honor of Yom HaShoah, of the victims of the Holocaust, the survivors, the "hidden", those that risked it all to assist, and the families of all of the above, I read this book. I recommend it. It's short and easy to read, but will bring a tear to your eye in a couple of spots, and will shine a light on things you hadn't known before. At least it did for me.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Esther ~ Fact of Fiction?

Esther ~ Fact of Fiction

I first started studying Esther in my Roots Class.  Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith as it's "new" name states.  We went through Esther very fast, to get to the heart of the Jewish holiday Purim, and where it came from.  We read a little bit of the Bible.  Did a little bit of Tom Bradford's  Did a little bit of the video series by Rabbi Messer.  Also we watched the movie which I really liked, it's on NetFlix right now if anyone is interested.

All this "little bits" left me feeling I did not do Esther justice.  But figured I'd get around to doing it justice "some time".  Well, I kept having this nudge in the back of my brain that I needed to do Esther justice.  On one of my trips to Lifeway, I came across Beth Moore's study on Esther.  I looked through it and it did not "appear" to need videos.  Beth's can run quite a bit of money.  (Worth it yes, but out of my price capabilities).  So I pick this book up thinking that I can do it on my own with my book and my Bible.  I figure I'll finish reading Esther in the Bible.  And I will finish Tom Bradford's 10 part series on

A week ago last Monday, I sit down with all my "components".  And open Beth up to read... First thing, is a viewer guide.  Can NOT tell you how mad I was at Beth right then.  I am just not able to do $250 for the videos.  I drop my head.  Shut Esther.  And go back to my Leviticus study, or something else I can't recall.


On Tuesday, I go to my study with LuAnn.  She and I are doing Bill Bright's Handbook for Christian Maturity.  Slowly...   And as we start out with our prayer I feel a nudge to go to the library.  I spend a lot of time in the church library.  So I can't figure out why I need to go there now.  In the course of talking before we get started, LuAnn says she'd like to do Beth Moore's Breathe.  I suggest (see how silly I am) "Well, Lu, why don't you go to the library and SEE if they have it in there).  She leaves and while she's gone I finally wake up...   Well, DOH... I should go see if Esther is in there.  And what do you know.  Breathe wasn't, but Esther WAS....   I finished my time with LuAnn that Tuesday and RUSHED home to start Esther.  Knowing full and completely well, that God was pushing me to finish Esther.

I diligently worked through the 9 sessions of Beth Moore.  If you will look back to what I said about her Sacred Secrets I probably was not very favorable for Mrs. Moore.  However, she is now my "go to" woman when it comes to bible study.  She dug down into the nitty gritty of Esther.  She broke open this box for me, and looked at every single verse, in depth and pulled so much great stuff out of it for me.  She pulled out all the stops and connected it appropriately to current world situations in a way that just "WOW"'d me to the core.  

Thank you Father in Heaven for giving this woman the abilities that you have, the enlightenment to take your word and explain it to us today!

I followed Beth with Tom Bradford's studies.  Beth spent some time on the Jewish aspects, but Tom provides a perspective and in depthness on the Jewish side that no one else can touch.  

Something I encountered when studying Esther.  Many scholars consider Esther a Fairy Tale.  Many scholars feel that Esther is a work of fiction, spun for everyone to explain why Purim must be celebrated.  The scholars in question feel that the lack of God in the story is the reason that it's a Fairy Tale and do not understand why Esther is included in the Bible.  

I also found the "added" portions.  Get this, the Greeks translated the Hebrew Bible into the Greek language.  This book is called the Septuagint.  The Greeks did not like the fact that God was not mentioned in the Book of Esther, so they doubled the story and added God into it.  I read some of these "additions" listed here:  Additions   Some of these additions are just ridiculous.  Changing the entire structure and sometimes the context of the story.  

The movie I listed at the beginning, was a very good movie.  However, it was not scripturally based.  It started out right, it started out good.  But it totally changed the ending.  In the movie the Law of Haman was overturned.  In the Book of Esther, the law could not be overturned, something else had to be done.  And the resulting conflict resulted in 75K deaths.  Nothing like what the movie portrayed.  

Things I learned from Esther:

1.  God's Providence:  Yes he does work in the background (sometimes not so subtly), putting people, events, and stuff into play where and when he wants to, to ensure His plan.  

2.  God's Sovereignty:  Nothing happens without His direction and/or permission. 

3.  Such A Time As This:  He puts us into play, and calls us to do things that He asks.  And I love this line from Esther: "For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish.  Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14-15)

You just have to love this.  God's Providence put you in this place, He's calling on you to act, today.  He has a plan for you.  Will you pass it by.  As surely as Mordecai told Esther, someone else will do the job He is asking you to do, if you don't.  And you will surely lose the blessings that He has in store for you.  

4.  When all seems lost, God will provide you a way!

5.  When God wants you to do something, as in "Study Esther" He will provide you everything you need, and He will not stop pestering you, until you do it.

6.  Esther is NOT a Fairy Tale.  God may not be "in" Esther, but His hand is ALL OVER her.  I think Beth Moore said this first, so I may be stealing it from her.  If not she said something similar to it.  

7.  I know I have read 11 books out of the Bible so far, but Esther is my favorite at the moment!

Enjoy & Shalom!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Fighting Back with Joy ~ Margaret Feinberg


Do you ever just get in a rut and stay there?  Do you have trouble pulling yourself up and out?  Are there times that you "want" to be happy, but just can't seem to find the ability?

Margaret Feinberg has come up with a study that will totally help you!!!!

I'm a person that didn't think she was having a problem with Joy, and went through this bible study, JUST because the rest of the group wanted to.  I am so very glad that I did.  Margaret helped me to take my Joy and Happiness to the next level.  

Having battled breast cancer and come out on top, She sets out to share some of the things that she did to try to maintain her joy during her trials.  She also spends a lot of time, sharing with "us" things we can do for our friends and family that may be going through battles that might steal their joy.  

We all wish that we could do something, anything, for those we love that are in pain.  Margaret sets out to help us all in this area.  

She also has a daily email that is encouraging and enlightening.  And has created a set of "love you" cards that are more appropriate for these kinds of illnesses than what you typically find at the supermarket.  

My group at church just finished this week, and the reviews are overwhelmingly great.  Most of the ladies did not participate in the activities at the beginning of each chapter, I personally found them fun.  And at the end of our 6 weeks (more like 9, cause of weather and holidays), we bought helium filled red balloons.  Each one of us wrote a love letter to God and released them in the middle of a storm to Him that loves us so much.  

God gives us the gift of Joy and Happiness.  It's our decision to accept the gift.  

Margaret will help you to make this decision, if you need help.  

I recommend this book and study, highly.  

Yom HaShoah

Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Day.

You can find an article about this topic at the Jerusalem Post website:  Yom HaShoah

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Counting the Omer

  1. According to the Torah (Lev. 23:15), we are obligated to count the days from Passover to Shavu'ot. This period is known as the Counting of theOmer. An omer is a unit of measure. On the second day of Passover, in the days of the Temple, an omer of barley was cut down and brought to the Temple as an offering.
  2. The more that I learn from the Old Testament, the more I want to learn.  I got into the Reading of the Omer late this year, but intend to not miss a day.  
  3. Join with me daily Counting the Omer, as we are instructed to do.  

Friday, April 3, 2015

Battlefield of the Mind ~ Joyce Meyers

A wonderful lady at church said to the congregation one morning, "If you are having problems, any kind of problems, you need the Full Armor of God, Ephesians 6, and get your mind right, with Joyce Meyers Battlefield of the Mind".  Sue your an angel.  I was already studying the Full Armor of God by Dr. Richards, but in addition to reading this book, I think I am well on my way!!!! Thanks, Sue!!

Have you ever had one of these thoughts?  I can't have a good future because of things in my past.  I'm not good enough.  Someone else can take care of it for me.  It's too hard.  I want it all and I want it now.  Or even it's not my fault that I am the way I am.  Ms. Meyers addresses these mindsets and many more in her revised Battlefield of the Mind.  

Joyce Meyers first wrote this book back around 1995.  And I'm sure it was as good then as it is today.  
I really thought that I was figuring things out.  Getting "on track" with God.  And Ms. Meyer's enlightenment on some of the mindsets she listed, just hit me square in the forehead.  She is on the money on the mindsets that do not apply to me.  AND very informative on the ones that do.  

The 1st third of the book, explains and itemizes the importance of the health of your mind.  Many examples of key items to remember "a person will get out of the Word what he is willing to put into it", and "You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind."  Little juicy tidbits of info, that WOW they are just so true.  And I so wish that a friend of mine would actually listen when I say that last one to him.  

The 2nd part of the book Conditions of the Mind, itemizes and explains different kinds of minds, from the "Confused Mind", "Doubtful Mind" to the "Passive Mind".  Joyce explains all of them and gives several examples of how to heal our minds if we have one of these "Minds".  

Then, (my favorite part), the 3rd part, Joyce expounds on the Wilderness Mindsets.  She lists 10 of them, and explains how we can get lost in these mindsets, and thus lose our way.  And she helps the reader to come to terms with where they are, and walks you back to where you should be.  With each of the Minds and the Mindsets, she gives examples from her own life, so you know you are not alone, and you know it's not where you have to stay.  

Of all the books that I have read in the past year, THIS is the one that I will be rereading regularly.  It's very informative, very helpful, and stuff that will needs to be read more than once to get it inside your head for regular access and utilization. 

This one is going on my reading list, every couple of months!!!  I recommend it completely.  

Christian TV Channel in Turkey

This article appears in the April 2015 issue of Christianity Today.
"Muslim nation gets first Christian TV channel"
"Turkey's Christian population has dwindled to less than 200,000, but their voice just got louder. For the first time, a Christian television channel is now broadcasting on Turkey's government-regulated satellite, which reaches more than 50 million viewers. Produced by Turkish Christians, the channel SAT-7 TÜRK streamed online for 360 hours last year; it's expecting to expand its airtime significantly under the new deal. "So many things have miraculously fallen into place over the past few months that it is impossible to miss the hand of God." said Terence Ascott, founder and chief executive officer of SAT-7. Open Doors put Turkey back on its 2015 list of countries where it's hardest to be a Christian. But in January, prime minister Ahmet Davutoglu approved the building of the first Christian church in Istanbul in 100 years."
This is awesome news, I have been using the Open Doors prayer calender for a few months, and recommend you do as well. It's a truly good feeling to see your prayers being answered!!!
You can find Open Doors watchlist here:

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Any suggestions out there on how to approach a study of Isaiah?

I've looked online and found dozens of studies... most of which look like fluff.  I don't want fluff, I want to dig, and spend time with this one.

A lady in my lifegroup has tried to find someone to study Isaiah with her, and everyone else as said dramatically NOOOOOO...

So I'm wondering why? First of all.  And second, LET's do it!!!

We are currently doing the Handbook for Christian Maturity, awesome book btw.  And are gathering resources and commentaries on Isaiah, GETTING ready.  Yea!!!

So please, send me your comments... concerns... and suggestions.  PLEASE!!!

Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, And prudent in their own sight!
Isaiah 5:21
I'm pretty sure that means, If you think you have it ALL figured out... think again!

Don't you just LOVE that!!!  I can't wait to get started on this book!!!