"LOST" Books of the Bible

This page is a work in progress.  In NO way is it inclusive or complete!

Book of Abraham (NOT read yet)

"Mormons claim that while Abraham was in Egypt he wrote The Book of Abraham, one of the Mormon sacred scriptures, which had been lost until it fell into the hands of Joseph Smith in 1835.  After Smith allegedy translated the papyrus into English, it passed through several hands before landing at the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art.  Egyptologists immediately identified it as a portion of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, dealing with funeral customs and worship of the various Egyptian gods.  Smith's identification of the manuscript and his translation were completely wrong.  To this day Mormons refuse to accept the scholarly evaluation and cling to Smith's erroneous claims."
~P24: The Apologetics Study Bible (HCSB)

Gospel of Nicodemus (Descent into Hell) (aka Acts of Pilate)

"An apocryphal gospel claimed to have been derived from an original Hebrew work written by Nicodemus, who appears in the Gospel of John as an associated of Jesus.  The title The Gospel of Nocodemus is medieval in origin.  The dates of it's accreted sections are uncertain, but scholars agree in assigning the resulting work to the middle of the fourth centrury AD.  The section about Pilate is an older text found in the Greek Acts of Peter anad Paul and is a purported official document from Pontius Pilate (or composed from reports at the praetorium at Jerusalem) reporting events in Judea to Emperor Tiberius, and referring to the c rucifixion of Jesus, as well as his miracles. "

This "gospel" quite clearly leaves no speculation as to where the Apostle's Creed line declaring Christ descended to Hell and returned victorious was believed by a lot of people.  But is it true?

It also very neatly answers the question of the dead that walked Jerusalem after the resurrection.  What happened to Pilate.

The two who were not yet been dead...  (witnesses of the Revelation?)
Enoch, who by the word of the Lord have been translated hither; and he who is with him is Elias the Thesbite, who was taken up by a fiery chariot.

2nd Coming
Michael the archangel foretold to Seth the third son of Adam, that in five and a half thousands of years Christ the Son of God would come.

Descent into Hell
"And, behold, suddenly Hades trembled, and the gates of death and the bolts were shattered, and the iron bars were broken and fell to the ground, and everything was laid open.  And Satan remained in the midst, and stood confounded, and downcast, bound with fetters on his feet.... The the Saviour, inquiring thoroughly about all, seized Hades immediately threw some down into Tartarus, and led some with Him mto the upper world... And the Lord set His cross in the midst of Hades, which is the sign of victory, and which wiill remain even to eternity."

1 Enoch or Book of Enoch

Chapter 1 includes a detailed happening of the flood.  How the "Watchers shall quake and great fear and trembling shall seize them unto the ends of the earth." Enoch 1:7 And how the "high hills shall be made low.  They shall melt like was before the flame and the earth shall be wholly rent in sunder" This is prophecy, and would have been prior to the flood.

Chapter 6 speaks of "angels, the children of the heaven", saw and lusted after the children of man.
There were 200 that descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon.  Their leader was Semjaza.

Gospel of the Hebrews
Gospel of the Nazareans
Gospel of the Ebionites
Gospel of Judas
Gospel of Thomas
Singns Source (Incorporated into John)
Passion Narrative (incorporated into Mark)
Birth of Mary (Protevangelium of James)
Childhood of Jesus (5-12) (Infancy Gospel of Thomas)
Dialogue of the Savior
Aprocryphon of James
Each Apostle as an "ACTS" (12?)
3rd Corinthians
Paul & Seneca
Jesus & Abgar
Shepherd of Hermas
Epistle of Barnabas
Gospel of Peter
Apocalypse of Peter

Athanasius's Easter letter of 367 listed the 27 (books of the Bible) we use today

Gospel of Mary
Acts of John
Acts of Peter
Acts of Paul
Acts of Peter & Paul
Gospel of Phillip
Gospel of the Egyptians
Martyrdom of John
Book of the Covenant
Book of Rolls
Acts of the Centurion Cornelius
Acts of Titus
Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew

The Acts of Paul & Thecla
Book of Jashar (Mentioned in Joshua)

These were mentioned in 1st Chronicles:
Book of Samuel the Seer
Book of Nathan the Prophet
Gad the Seer (May have been included in 1 & 2 Samuel
Acts of King David

Douay- Rheims Bible (Catholic Bible)
Old Testament Books
3 & 4 Kings
1 & 2 Paralipomenon
Canticle of Canticles
1 & 2 Machabees

Other books to check out:

Signs of the Messiah ('Otot ha-Masiah)
The Book of Zerubbabel (Sefer Zerubbabel)
the piyyut

The Historical Record of Judah's Kings

1546 Council of Trent

The Apocrypha - meaning "hidden" or "concealed" - is a group of ancient writings that often accompanied the recognized books of the Old Testament.  These texts were at one time included in teh Protestant Bible but in a separate section from the inspired books.  The Apocrypha was officially added to the Catholic Bible at the Council of Trent but later dropped from the Bible used by Protestants because its books lacked widespread support as being canonical.

The Apocrypha usually includes some or all of the following:
1 & 2 Esdras
Additions to Esther
Wisdom of Solomon
Ecclesiasticus (Sirach)
Letters of Jeremiah
Prayer of Azariah and the Three Young Men
Bel and the Dragon
Prayer of Manasseh
1 & 2 Maccabees.

Pseudepigrapha are a group of writings that were rejected from inclusion in the New Testament.

Apocalypse of Peter
Acts of Paul and Thecla
Acts of Pilate
Epistle to the Laodiceans
Gospel of the Hebrews
Gospel of Philip
Gospel of Thomas

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