Time for Testimony
Praise of the Day!
I went to take the kids to school this morning, grab the keys off the key rack... they aren't there.
I look all over the house, no luck. I check Gary's Jeep, the car we took last night, no luck. I finally take Gary's keys this morning, to get the kids to school. Come back and look again no luck. Anxiously await 8 AM so I can call the friend I spent the evening with yesterday, to see if maybe I left them at her house. No luck. She and her husband prayed for me to find them.
I go back through the whole house... and getting a little desperate I say "Okay God, what did I do with my keys?"
Clear as day, the image of me putting them in Gary's glove box comes to mind. And yes, that is where they were!
God is glorious, and HE does answer prayers, even the seemingly miniscule ones!!!!
I've been on a desperate attempt to lose weight. I am near hopelessly out of shape. Suffering from a hernia, that makes exercise difficult. I joined MRC about three months ago. I have successfully lost 31 pounds to date. And want all of you to know. YOU can do it too!
This is my baby. Hard to believe that I am almost 50 and my baby is just now a teenager. A two teenager household. LORD help me!
Questions of the Day
The twelve disciplines of Jesus are: prayer, confession, meditation, study, fasting, sabbath, silence, solitude, simplicity, giving, service, and worship.
How many do you observe?
Book Club
Cross Roads ~ Wm. Paul Young
I love this man's fiction. AND it's fiction. He tells you that up front. I read the controversial "The Shack" and loved it. Had to read Eve when it came out, that in my opinion is more controversial. So I had to round out his work, since there is only this one other book.
I really loved this book. The idea that you can resolve things before you die, is just uplifting. (YES, I know it's fiction, but there's a chance) Setting things right before it's too late, don't we all think about that.
Great book!
"Falling Free" by Shannan Martin
Mrs. Martin has several messages for us in this book. This book is important, and crucial to living the way Jesus had in mind. IMO
This book was extremely hard for my left brain structured mind to follow and stay with. Chaotic brain is not something OCD brain can follow. Right brains you will love this book.
I love how she tells us time and again in not these exact words that we have to get over ourselves in order to do HIS work. And this is so very true! Martin has very well encapsulated the mentality of current society, and how she overcame that to do HIS work. I do recommend this one.
"Mended" by Angie Smith
I have to tell you, mended is the perfect example of why you should give an author a second chance!
My sister, at church, loves Angie Smith's work. And she loaned to me, last month's "Chasing God" which I didn't care for at all. And this month's "mended".
I have to tell you, I loved this book. Each chapter was a bite-sized bit of Angie's life, times, ups, downs, struggles, and successes. Just large enough to get a taste, but not so big you feel overly full when done.
I love the devotional feel to this one! And will read it again.
Notable Quotables
When even one American ~who has done nothing wrong~ is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth ~ then all Americans are in peril. Harry S. Truman
"The more we pray, the more we shall want to pray. The more we pray, the more we can pray. The more we pray, the more we shall pray. He who prays little will pray less, but he who prays much will pray more."
C.H. Spurgeon
"Anyone who has been in the church for very long has been hurt by people in the church" Christians are not immune to "judgment, pride, self-centeredness, manipulation, abandonment, abuse, control, perfectionism, domination, and every kind of relational sin known to humankind. The walls of the church do not make it safe from sin. In fact, the church by definition is composed of sinners."
Never Unfriended
The Secret to Finding and Keeping Lasting Friendships
Lisa-Jo Baker
The Secret to Finding and Keeping Lasting Friendships
Lisa-Jo Baker
"If we're not careful, we can be judgmental toward other believers, simply because we don't agree with the way they do things, and wind up having hearts that look more like the Pharisees than we'd expect... Don't let yourself fall into the sin of self-righteousness. Focus on your own life and the sins you need to confess more than the sins of those around you."
~ Dr. Marty Jacumin, Bay Leaf Baptist, Raleigh, NC
~ Dr. Marty Jacumin, Bay Leaf Baptist, Raleigh, NC
"Does that mean: said Mack, "that all roads will lead to you?" "Not at all." Jesus smiled as he reached for the door handle to the shop. "Most roads don't lead anywhere. What it does mean is that I will travel any road to find you."
The Shack ~ Wm. Paul Young
Matthew 7:13 [The Narrow Way ] “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.
Matthew 7:14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.
Luke 13:24 “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able.
Mary and Martha provide two excellent models of worship and service. Instead of valuing one over the other, we should have a balance of both. You simply cannot divorce the two and be an effective follower of Christ.
Many have criticized Martha for failing to sit with Mary at Jesus' feet. However, churches are full of Christians who "sit and soak" and never prioritize serving and applying what they have learned. Many Chrisitians pride themselves on their faithful attendance, but the statistics have not changed for decades. Eighty percent of the work is done by twenty percent of the people.
What changes do you need to make to balance worship and service in your life?
~Dr. Larry Thompson, First Baptist Church, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Bible Studies

I really love doing one chapter at a time with GMG. And Courtney I pray for you. Hoping that heal and rest well. And look forward to your return.
Meme Corner
Page photos are from Lisa TerKuerst's "Uninvited"
Well, that is all I have for this edition. Look forward to bending your ear much more in May!