Friday, November 6, 2015

God Loves Me (And You)!

God absolutely LOVES me (and you) and to Him be the glory when He shows it.  

Not sure if this is a testimonial or an answered prayer.  BUT definitely needs to be shared.  

A friend of mine, LuAnn and I, have been doing a Bible study together for almost a year.  It is called The Handbook for Christianity by Bill Bright.  If you don't think you are mature in the Word yet, this is a good starting place.  A couple months ago we were in step four, five, maybe six (of 10 steps) and the study said that you really need to have a good concordance, and a topical dictionary.  My friend, showed me the one she had, Ken Anderson's Where To Find It in the Bible: The Ultimate A to Z resource.  Fully illustrated and over 3700 contemporary topics. (pictured above) She purchased this book at Fred's, quite some time before this day.  

So, you know me, Amazon here I go.  I found and ordered the book, for $5...  what a deal.  LOL.  I eagerly await the arrival...

Notice it says "Little"... this book is all of 2" x 3", if that...  and note it says Hundreds of Contemporary Topics... (not over 3700). 

So back to Amazon I go, and yes I truly ordered the wrong one.  
Being more careful, I look again.  And there are no new books of the title listed at the top... but there are some used ones, ranged from $10-$18... Ok, I order the higher priced one, it said it was in better condition, so a few extra bucks is ok.  Again, I eagerly await the arrival...

This one, also says "Hundreds", brand new was only $5.99, and was no bigger than a normal sized paperback book.  I contacted the third party seller, went through a little bit of effort and frustration and over two weeks to get a refund.  

So, I say to myself, not really, just a small thought in my head, "God, if you want me to have this book, your going to need to find a different way to get it to me."  AND truly it was a small thought, not really a prayer, not really a request, just a statement, and I thought no more about it. 

Fast forward, ONE month.  On Tuesday this week, I have a thought, it's been a while since I've been to the book seller's place.  We have a used book store across from the train station in Van Buren, that I just love to go to, and spend hours in his basement, going through books.  Well it's been a few months since I've been there.  I check times and think to myself, I will go tomorrow after working out.  

And, truly I think nothing more of it.  The next day came, I got done at the gym, decided to go get my haircut, and colored, and forgot completely about the bookseller.  

Here, comes LuAnn, who had no intention of going to the bookseller on Wednesday, and had no clue about the issues I'd had trying to obtain a copy of the book like hers.  Says it just hit her that she needed to go to the bookseller that day.  And on a shelf with very very brown dull drab books, this very WHITE book sat in the middle, as if saying to her "Take this to Janice"  of course that's exactly what she did. 

SO, there are several points I want to make here!  

God loves you!

God will show off for you!

God wants you to bring him the little things, as well as the big things!  

When you don't do what He's put in your mind to do, He will find someone else to do it.

I can not begin to tell you how much I felt loved sitting in the pew on Wednesday night with that book in my hand.  Knowing without a doubt, God loves me.  Knowing without a doubt, that he will for me. 

You might think I'm crazy for going on and on about something as trivial as a book, but I'm not.  It's not about the book.  It's about the things that God does for us EVERY single day in our lives, most of the time we wouldn't see it.  Open your eyes, and see.  He will show you too!!!!!

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