Sunday, May 15, 2016

Random Little Tidbits ~ May 15, 2016

"When people ask me where to start reading the Bible, I tell them there's really no wrong place to start. You can study anything that's going to help you."
Joyce Meyer

Posted on FaceBook 5/14/2016

I so agree with this. The big picture is far more important than arguing over the minute.

"Worry About the Camels, Not the Gnats
It's hard to believe how many denominations and independent churches there are today, yet there's only one Bible, one message. It's evident that God has one thing to say to all people, a single plan for our conduct and relationship with Him.
But over the years, because of our pride and narrow-mindedness, we've felt the need to develop a myriad of churches and church groups, even different versions of the Bible, to suit our own strict interpretations of what we believe the Bible says.
I've come to realize that none of us are 100 percent correct. Most of the things we fight over are petty. In Matthew 23:24, Jesus told the Pharisees that they strained out a gnat but swallowed a camel. They had gotten so picky about the little things, it prevented them from dealing with the things that were truly important.
As long as we allow prejudice, hatred and division to continue to have a place in our lives, we'll be powerless to stop it. Only agreement and unity in the love of Christ will bring the power to defeat prejudice. We can defeat hatred by allowing love to overcome our critical, divisive attitudes toward others."
~power for every day life by Joyce Meyers on YouVersion

I know it's a tad bit late for the Omer Count,  I've been using an App on my phone, called OmerCounter.  

 If you don't have a smart phone this chart is good too!

Here's my new business, and some of the products available.  You can see the whole collection when it's done, on the GG's tab above.  

"There are different kinds of abuse: sexual, emotional, verbal, physical. No matter the form, the results are always terrible. It will keep you from functioning properly and prevent you from receiving and experiencing the righteousness, peace, and joy of God's kingdom." ~Joyce Meyer
For everyone that reads this please take the time to bank in your memory a thing or two. Not every victim is open and forthright about it, you may never know that person you sit by and talk to at church is a recovering victim. Sometimes it takes forever, if at all, to overcome all of the side effects of abuse. PTSD is not just for soldiers. Have patience with people, you never know all the baggage people carry around, even if you know some of it. Be kind to one another!!!

And finally, a word from my sponsor!

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