Random Little TidBits #1
We are made in the image of God.
Through our lifetimes, sin and choices change us.
The person we are today, is NOT the person that God made us to be.
God loves us no matter what. He will accept us back to Him no matter what. You just have to ask for it.
He also loves us enough to make sure we don't stay who we are today. He loves us enough to help us work towards what He intended for us in the first place.
Random Little TidBits #2
Joyce Meyer said in Battlefield of the Mind "remember that Satan has really never had an original idea. He takes what belongs to the Kingdom of Light and perverts it for the kingdom of darkness".
So before you decide that "meditating" is bad because it's pagan, or admiring the stars is bad because it's pagan, or even your Christmas tree is bad because it's pagan, you need to ask yourself one thing:
Are you going to let Satan steal everything that God created from you? God created mysteries in the sky and in the earth for us to find, because He created us with a curious mind, and need to explore and expand. God gave us the means for understanding Him, and one of those things is meditating on His Word. And our crosses, and Christmas trees, and angel figurines, may very well be idols... but I think what makes something an idol, is the intention behind it's creation. If it's created to replace God, it's very bad.
Am so glad, that when something is bothering me, and I ask God to help me with it, that He always ALWAYS gives me an answer!

Random Little TidBits #3
Jonah is the only prophet to tell God no.
Why did he tell God no? Because God wanted him to go to Ninevah (the enemy) and give them the Word to repent. He knew that God would forgive them, because that is what God does. And my Bible says that he knew that would make him a false prophet.
Jonah fled God, tried to escape God, suffered a storm and thought he would die when thrown into the sea, just to avoid doing what God wanted.
But God had a plan for Jonah, and God did not take no for an answer. And when they threw Jonah in the sea, God used a big fish to save Jonah from an otherwise certain death.
All so that Jonah could go to the Ninevites and deliver to them a Word of repentence.
What storm is in your life, because you have told God no?
God will never give up on you, what you see as trials and tribulations, may very well be God's way of trying to get your attention... Have you given up on Him?
Something to think about!

Random Little TidBits #4
And that includes how you talk to them and treat them on Facebook. And how you roll your eyes when they have something to say that is contrary to your beliefs.
Believe me when I say, it all comes across to the other person.
You can't just say you're a godly person. If it doesn't come across to others, then you really aren't.

Random Little TidBits #5
Very well written article. I do not disagree with any of the first half. Sorry that's all I read, I was getting car sick.
Let me explain something to everyone that reads this.
This country has a Constitution, a Declaration of Independence and a Bill of Rights. In those documents it lines out the rights to free speech, the rights of religious freedom, and that all men are endowed by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
Although our country was founded on Christian values, it was founded as a "refuge" to all people escaping persecution. And thus became a melting pot of all.
So at this point in time one has to separate religion from politics, while maintaining their beliefs. Hard to do. I know.
That also means that not everyone will be engaging in those pursuits the same way. Just because I believe one way does not mean I can impose my beliefs on others. Or make their decisions for them. Or take away their rights to make those decisions. This is in reference to Abortion, LGBT, and any other controversial issue on the board.
Pence is the only reason to vote for Trump. And the only reason I considered voting for Trump. However, I think God might have a problem if I vote for Pence and hope the Dems eliminate Trump.
So although the Trump ticket might appeal to my conservative views. He does nothing for my liberal part.
The Libertarian candidate is the only candidate that satisfies most of my beliefs. Balanced budget, reformed immigration, government out of individual liberties. The list goes on.
"Therefore I feel the force of the words of James: “Whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin” (James 4:17)." This is from your article. I know the right thing to do. And I intend to do it. And I do love James. He is so to the point, lacks tact (like me) and retained his Jewishness in Christianity which is how I believe we should all do.
Let me explain something to everyone that reads this.
This country has a Constitution, a Declaration of Independence and a Bill of Rights. In those documents it lines out the rights to free speech, the rights of religious freedom, and that all men are endowed by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
Although our country was founded on Christian values, it was founded as a "refuge" to all people escaping persecution. And thus became a melting pot of all.
So at this point in time one has to separate religion from politics, while maintaining their beliefs. Hard to do. I know.
That also means that not everyone will be engaging in those pursuits the same way. Just because I believe one way does not mean I can impose my beliefs on others. Or make their decisions for them. Or take away their rights to make those decisions. This is in reference to Abortion, LGBT, and any other controversial issue on the board.
Pence is the only reason to vote for Trump. And the only reason I considered voting for Trump. However, I think God might have a problem if I vote for Pence and hope the Dems eliminate Trump.
So although the Trump ticket might appeal to my conservative views. He does nothing for my liberal part.
The Libertarian candidate is the only candidate that satisfies most of my beliefs. Balanced budget, reformed immigration, government out of individual liberties. The list goes on.
"Therefore I feel the force of the words of James: “Whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin” (James 4:17)." This is from your article. I know the right thing to do. And I intend to do it. And I do love James. He is so to the point, lacks tact (like me) and retained his Jewishness in Christianity which is how I believe we should all do.
Ok, well I will say the article was worth a read. I must tell you something about myself. When you start throwing out “would likely”s and “could possibly”s and “will most probably”s I tend to tune out, because it’s all hypotheticals and suppositions.
That being said, let’s look at some of the issues mentioned.
“In the history of American politics, candidates who have been elected president have occasionally changed their minds on one or another issue while in office, but no president has ever gone back on most of what he has promised to do, especially on issues that are crucially important in the election. And notice how Trump has changed his mind.” So we are seeing Trump change his mind over the course of this election, numerous times. What do you think will happen once elected, he will absolutely become who he really is then. In fact, let’s look at the fact that he was a Democrat, until when? Until he decided that he would have to steal the Democratic ticket away from Hillary, who was probably guaranteed it last time around, and knew he wouldn’t get it from her. I wouldn’t be surprised, that their long standing friendship (prior to this election primary period) didn’t result in a bet of some sort…
“Two of the deepest causes of poverty among minority groups and racial tensions in our country are failing public schools in our inner cities and lack of available jobs. Trump expressed a commitment to solve these problems at several points in his acceptance speech at the Republican convention.” HOW? I need to know HOW, and he has never given out any of the HOW’s. So seriously, this is just lip service, to tug at your heart strings. Yes we all want the failing schools fixed. The first thing you need to do is repeal “No Child Left Behind” and let those drop out that want to. Because being forced to go to school when they don’t want to, is setting those who want to up to fail. I am an ex-High School math teacher, who taught in the delta area at Helena, and yes I know what I’m talking about here.
“We will rescue kids from failing schools by helping their parents send them to a safe school of their choice.” Again, how can you promise this? See the statement on the last item for more detail.
Borders: Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc.
Borders totally and completely go against everything this country was founded on! There is not a single soul in this country that didn’t come from somewhere else. If you believe the validity of the Torah, then even my Cherokee ancestors did not originate here. Our country’s motto hasn’t changed, I’d like for it not to change now. And yes that includes the Muslim refugees. Does Jesus not tell us that if someone strikes our cheek, to turn the other one to him as well? You can't live in fear of others, you have to live in love.
If for some reason, SCOTUS, decides to make it easy for everyone to start persecuting Christians, in any form, then that is what they do. I have no more control over that with my one vote than anyone else. I have faith in my Lord and Savior to protect me, and if I am to be persecuted for my faith, then so be it. I will look at that as an honor!
I have a lot more to say, but I’m going to leave it with that. You vote your conscience, and I’ll vote mine. And please don’t send me any more hypotheticals, or theories, or ‘what ifs’. That not only is counterproductive, but implies that I have no brain, and can’t think for myself.
Shalom and have a blessed day!
That being said, let’s look at some of the issues mentioned.
“In the history of American politics, candidates who have been elected president have occasionally changed their minds on one or another issue while in office, but no president has ever gone back on most of what he has promised to do, especially on issues that are crucially important in the election. And notice how Trump has changed his mind.” So we are seeing Trump change his mind over the course of this election, numerous times. What do you think will happen once elected, he will absolutely become who he really is then. In fact, let’s look at the fact that he was a Democrat, until when? Until he decided that he would have to steal the Democratic ticket away from Hillary, who was probably guaranteed it last time around, and knew he wouldn’t get it from her. I wouldn’t be surprised, that their long standing friendship (prior to this election primary period) didn’t result in a bet of some sort…
“Two of the deepest causes of poverty among minority groups and racial tensions in our country are failing public schools in our inner cities and lack of available jobs. Trump expressed a commitment to solve these problems at several points in his acceptance speech at the Republican convention.” HOW? I need to know HOW, and he has never given out any of the HOW’s. So seriously, this is just lip service, to tug at your heart strings. Yes we all want the failing schools fixed. The first thing you need to do is repeal “No Child Left Behind” and let those drop out that want to. Because being forced to go to school when they don’t want to, is setting those who want to up to fail. I am an ex-High School math teacher, who taught in the delta area at Helena, and yes I know what I’m talking about here.
“We will rescue kids from failing schools by helping their parents send them to a safe school of their choice.” Again, how can you promise this? See the statement on the last item for more detail.
Borders: Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc.
Borders totally and completely go against everything this country was founded on! There is not a single soul in this country that didn’t come from somewhere else. If you believe the validity of the Torah, then even my Cherokee ancestors did not originate here. Our country’s motto hasn’t changed, I’d like for it not to change now. And yes that includes the Muslim refugees. Does Jesus not tell us that if someone strikes our cheek, to turn the other one to him as well? You can't live in fear of others, you have to live in love.
If for some reason, SCOTUS, decides to make it easy for everyone to start persecuting Christians, in any form, then that is what they do. I have no more control over that with my one vote than anyone else. I have faith in my Lord and Savior to protect me, and if I am to be persecuted for my faith, then so be it. I will look at that as an honor!
I have a lot more to say, but I’m going to leave it with that. You vote your conscience, and I’ll vote mine. And please don’t send me any more hypotheticals, or theories, or ‘what ifs’. That not only is counterproductive, but implies that I have no brain, and can’t think for myself.
Shalom and have a blessed day!

Random Little TidBits #6
"The work God is trying to do in you requires your full participation. You will find the rewards when you subscribe completely to what He asks and do the tasks how and where He asks."
Priscilla Shirer - Jonah

Random Little TidBits #7
Relationship with our Lord is not a passive thing. He won't make you who He meant for you to be, without intentional interaction with Him on your part.

Random Little TidBits #8
This is a wonderful book. And will change your perspective on how much He really loves you. I've added this to my regular repeat shelf, and will revisit it again and again!

I have to say this morning, that I am blessed, highly favored, and having a super day!
That being said, I'd like to talk about Bible stories for kids. Well, not really, but we will start there.
I just finished an indepth study on Jonah with Priscilla Shirer. Oh man, was it good. You hear the story when you're a kid. At least most people do. I heard it from my kids not too many years ago, when they learned about it in church.
I want to encourage you, as an adult, go back and revisit it. I've told my kids, to read it for themselves, because some of the stuff you learn as a kid, is (for lack of a better term) cleansed. It's "kid friendly" and you don't get the whole picture, and the whole message unless you read it for yourself. Jonah is one of these stories.
Jonah, I have to say, is probably now my favorite OT book. He is the only prophet that we know of to tell God no, and live (debatable here) to tell about it.
In the end, Jonah did what God wanted, even though he did NOT want to, and was mad about it the whole time, even afterword. This gives me so much hope, cause you have to admit, sometimes you just don't want to do what HE wants you too, and it doesn't matter really if you are mad about it while you do it, as long as you "DO IT". It's all about submission.
In Esther, Mordecai tells her, that someone else will rise up to do what she is supposed to do. There will be salvation through "someone". If not you, someone else. But Jonah tells us, that sometimes, "SOMETIMES", you have to, or no one will. And "SOMETIMES" God will not be told no, no matter how hard you object.
Most of us hate change. Most of us, have our little routines, that we like, and find security in. Most of us despise things we aren't sure of, and seldom live dangerously. (Especially those of us that are older). God's little Divine Interruptions are not welcome to most of us.
However, here is what I learned from Jonah, amongst many things, the most important is: When God opens a door in front of you, AND He pushes you to the threshold, it's best to accept the change and roll with it, rather than get rolled over!
(I'll share the door He's opened in front of me in the next week or so, stay tuned!!!)
I re-did Battlefield this summer. I incorporated the study guide, and got both of my children their own copies. We went through each section together. I RECOMMEND THIS TO EVERYONE, FOR ALL OF YOUR CHILDREN.
This one is a MUST for everyone. You just have no idea how satan can mess with you, until you study that subject. And Ms. Meyer absolutely helps you "see" and "combat" the destructive things we allow ourselves to do to ourselves!
This has been a busy busy month. The kids are back in school. And things are getting even busier with all the junior high activities going on. I think I might need to do these more often than once a month. Or maybe split some of it out in different posts. If you have any preference here, please don't hesitate to let me know. I love you all!