I don't pretend to have all the answers, nor do I fall under the assumption that the answers I do have are right. I am on a journey towards enlightenment. I know my course along this path is guided by God, his son Jesus Christ, who is my Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit and the Word that has been given to all of us. Armed with them I can not fail. Amen
A little about me. I'm a mid-40's woman on a journey towards enlightenment. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior, and am doing what I can to learn more, so that I may help others come to the light.
My dad was in the Air Force, him and my mom were stationed in Stuttgart, Germany when I was born. Being an Air Force brat, I spent a lot of time bouncing schools, towns, states, and even countries until at age 13, my dad retired to Arkansas.
The small town I graduated high school in was scarcely 5k people, so as soon as possible, I left for a larger area. Conway, although still small, was more of a scale closer to what I became accustomed to growing up.
I met my first husband in college there. Remained married 8 years. No children were a product of this relationship. Received a Bachelor's in Marketing. Started out my career in business, although never really finding my niche. I remain friends with my first husband, which I think is all we ever really were.
Soon after separating from him, I moved to Little Rock. Still haven't found my niche in the business world, bouncing from job to job. Met my 2nd husband in a bar. Yes, I should have known.... That 8 year marriage resulted in my two beautiful children. And culminated with a move back to small town where my folks live.
As a child I went to Vacation Bible School a few times, and as a teenager I drug my mom to church a few times, but all in all I was not raised in the church. The few times that I did go as a teenager, the people that I encountered made me avoid churches, view them with scorn, definitely a place I don't need nor want to be. During my 2nd marriage and while still in Little Rock, I did make it to church a couple of times, but what I endured when returning home, I felt wasn't worth it at the time.
After moving back "home" again, my 2nd marriage shortly failed. I enrolled in a program to start my certifications to teach High School Math. I also started going to church regularly.
My divorce was final Tuesday, January 18th, 2011. I went to church for the first time in a LONG time on the following Sunday. I went back to Sunday night service. While sitting in the pew at the end of the service, you know, that quiet time when they are asking you to come forward, I asked God a few questions. Did I really do the right thing? Am I right with him still? Yes, I know, I didn't get an answer. I didn't think I would get any answers. Such silly questions, right? Well there was no cell signal in that little church, BUT, when I walked outside my phone blinged, "message on facebook". Just what I need, I'll check that when I get home.
January 23, 2011 7:19 pm
Hi There
Janice, I don't know you but I was just heading for bed when I thought id check
my Facebook before going to sleep. I really felt God tell me to look up your
name and he pointed you out as soon as all the Janice Rogers came up, he put it
on my heart to tell you that he REALLY loves you and is so proud of you and
wants you to be happy and joyful. I hope this isn't weird to you, I don't know
if you are a follower of Jesus, but I truly believe that he uses us to
encourage and reach other people and I really felt like I needed to tell you
this. I don't normally leave people I don't know, random messages like this on
Facebook. Again, I don't know you, but we are all brothers and sisters in
Christ. Please let me know if this meant something to you and sorry is this
seems totally strange. -Duncan
WOW... I mean just WOW, an answer, obviously to the prayer I had just sent up. The answers to the questions I had just asked. WOW. I was floored, this was totally out of the blue. Floored, flabbergasted, speechless, I could only respond and go to bed.
My response:
I would think your msg was strange. A little about me. I just divorced my
second husband whom I have two small kids with. I haven't really been to church
in over 25 years until today. I just walked out of church having asked God if
he and I were ok and if I did the right thing when I got your msg. Thank you
very much for delivering his response.
The next time I heard from Mr. Duncan was almost two months later. With the following:
March 4, 2011 6:24 pm
Hi again :)
Janice, how are you? How is everything going following your divorce? I was just
praying for you and really just felt the lord tell me to message you again and
tell you that he has got great things in store for you and your kids, Jesus is
with you in every sad moment, and rejoices with you in every happy moment, he
wants you to be happy all the time though, he has given you no reason to be
sad, so concentrate on Gods goodness and his desire for you to be happy! Take
care -Duncan
March 11, 2011 3:53 pm
I do believe that you may be my guardian angel. Your msg, even though it took
me a bit to respond, came at a very needed time. My principal told me last
Wednesday that they would not be renewing my contract because he couldn't take
a chance on me being a mediocre teacher. Which I am not. It's just my first
year at this school district. And my 2nd year as a teacher. I struggled last
week, whether I was doing what I need to be doing, and honestly was sad and
ticked for a few days there. I know that I am an excellent teacher and that God
does have a plan for me, I asked him long ago, to put me where I needed to be.
And he's taking his time getting me there, but I know I will get there
eventually, and do great things along the way. I am going to add you as a
friend, I hope that's ok. Thank you, Janice
I firmly believe that God works miracles. Duncan, was one of my miracles. Looking back I remember a time, when I was flying down I-40, 18 wheeler behind me, one beside me, going 80ish miles an hour. When my left front tire shredded and blew rubber EVERYWHERE. I remember thinking that's all she wrote. The next instant I was on the side of the interstate, safe, bawling my eyes out. I know the Hand of God had to have picked me up out of those trucks and set me on the side to safety. I know this without a doubt.
Another time, I was taking the kids from Smalltown, to Shreveport, Louisiana. Scout Night with the Mudbugs. I love me some hockey (yes I said that wrong on purpose), and wanted the kids to see why. There is a long straight stretch, that ends in a long curve. Flat, cropless lands that you can see nothing for miles. This car behind me decides it's going to pass (at the last minute) this line of 15 or so cars. As it approaches the curve, around it comes an 18 wheeler. I didn't think he was going to make it. I see this head on crash coming, he has NOWHERE to go, it's going to get all of us as fast as we are all going. I'm at the back of the pack. I say, "Jesus, NO!" as I close my eyes to brace for the impact. Just praying that my kids will be okay when this is all done. The inevitable crash does not come. I open my eyes. And the 18 wheeler is gone. The cars in front of me are still there, and ok. And the "crasher" is behind me. Some would say that was some fast thinking on everyone's part, but I have to believe there was a Hand of God in there, making sure we were all okay on that one.
My last testimonial and I'll wrap this up.
Sometime later in March, 2011, (when I piece together the exact date, I'll fill this in) there was a storm at my place. Kids were in bed asleep. I was talking on the computer, to my best friend, and later 3rd husband. Lightning struck the telephone pole outside of my house, the current ran through the house, the white light, and the smell of burnt hair filled the house, the current continued through the house, through the electronics of the house, I watched this current travel down the wire to my laptop, through my laptop, exploding out the left side of its battery, and being propped on my lap at the time, the current then went through my leg and into my body. I saw the Face of God, and he told me, "Help my people". My next recollection is laying in bed in a pool of sweat, gasping for breath, laptop on the other side of the room and the house phone ringing.
Since this time, I do what I can to help people. All people that come to me. I'm really not sure how I am qualified for this, but this is what He wants, this is what I will do.
My best friend, has become my husband. We have four children and three grandchildren. I'm happier than I have ever been, and I know this is God's doing. I have put my faith in Him, as He requires, and am letting Him steer the way.
Thank you.
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