Questions of the Day
If Job starts out with a conversation between God and Satan, and the rest of the story is a result of that conversation, should there not be an "I Told You So" conversation at the end?
If our Church Father's were "totally" wrong on "all" of their interpretations, then how did Christianity survive until today, when we can now flippantly call them "idiots"?
If Job starts out with a conversation between God and Satan, and the rest of the story is a result of that conversation, should there not be an "I Told You So" conversation at the end?
If our Church Father's were "totally" wrong on "all" of their interpretations, then how did Christianity survive until today, when we can now flippantly call them "idiots"?
Awakening the One New Man
"Peter could not even imagine seeing Gentiles becoming followers of Jesus without becoming "Jews" in ritual practices according to the Old Testament Mosaic systems. In short, being "saved" meant, "become a Jew." Dr. Jack W. Hayford, King's University
"Jesus gave the Gospel to the Jews and commissioned them to take this Gospel to the world, that is, all the nations." Dr. Raleigh B Washington, Promise Keepers
1. I'm pretty sure that it's not been said "nations take the Gospel from the Jews, twist it, make it your own, and then exclude them from it."
2. If being saved meant "becoming a Jew", can't we presume that Christianity is a denomination of Judaism?
3. Jesus came to "include" Gentiles in the promise, to unite Gentiles with Jews, to eliminate segregation, and bring us together as one group. So why do we insist on maintaining our categories of hate?
I just wonder...
Book Club
The Mind Connection
Joyce Meyer
I got a lot out of this book. A lot of it I already knew, but it's nice to get some confirmation from folks that have walked with Jesus longer than I have.
An excellent resource, and work book to work through some of your mental issues. If you have any. :D

Women Living Well
Courtney Joseph
I had a hard time reading this book, but I did finish it. I know I should not let the fact that Ms. Joseph has recently experienced divorce affect my judgement. Especially since I don't know the story behind the divorce. But I hae to admit that reading the section on how to have a great marriage was a little hard to read.
A lot of good insight on marriage and raising children. Worth reading!
Spiritual Stolen Identity
Dr. Janice Gilbert
NO! I just can't read this one. I tried, I really really tried. But I just can't. Dr. Gilbert came to my church, and gave a GREAT sermon. It was amazing, Spirit-filled message, and she was eloquent and energetic. So I purchased this book.
Chapter one is about someone else altogether, was filled with mispelled words and ended with an inaccuracy. IMHO
Chapter two was all about how her and her need to find her spiritual identity.
When you read a book of "How-To's" the How-To's need to be the focus with your story and other story woven into it.
I don't know if it got to the How-To's I couldn't stick with it after chapter two. And, honestly, my not finishing a book, says a lot for my OCD self.

lies we believe about God
Wm. Paul Young
I can not say that I agree with everything that Young confronts in this text. I will say that I absolutely love where Young stands, and his views are fresh and enlightening. And he is most certainly not afraid to discuss many topics that others are just afraid to touch!
And anything that makes us think... is just a win/win in my book!

Me, Myself & Lies
Jennifer Rothschild
I found this book fascinating and very informative!
Definitely helped with the things that I say to myself!
The Mind Connection
Joyce Meyer
I got a lot out of this book. A lot of it I already knew, but it's nice to get some confirmation from folks that have walked with Jesus longer than I have.
An excellent resource, and work book to work through some of your mental issues. If you have any. :D

Women Living Well
Courtney Joseph
I had a hard time reading this book, but I did finish it. I know I should not let the fact that Ms. Joseph has recently experienced divorce affect my judgement. Especially since I don't know the story behind the divorce. But I hae to admit that reading the section on how to have a great marriage was a little hard to read.
A lot of good insight on marriage and raising children. Worth reading!
Spiritual Stolen Identity
Dr. Janice Gilbert

Chapter one is about someone else altogether, was filled with mispelled words and ended with an inaccuracy. IMHO
Chapter two was all about how her and her need to find her spiritual identity.
When you read a book of "How-To's" the How-To's need to be the focus with your story and other story woven into it.
I don't know if it got to the How-To's I couldn't stick with it after chapter two. And, honestly, my not finishing a book, says a lot for my OCD self.

lies we believe about God
Wm. Paul Young
I can not say that I agree with everything that Young confronts in this text. I will say that I absolutely love where Young stands, and his views are fresh and enlightening. And he is most certainly not afraid to discuss many topics that others are just afraid to touch!
And anything that makes us think... is just a win/win in my book!

Me, Myself & Lies
Jennifer Rothschild
I found this book fascinating and very informative!
Definitely helped with the things that I say to myself!
Notable Quotables
"The only way to live without regrets is to do what you know you should do, when you know you should do it."
~Joyce Meyer
"The New Testament was originally written in common Greek - Koine Greek (most of it). Guess what the Greek word for accuse is, as in "the Satan is an accuser"? (see Rev 12:10). It is kategoro, from which we get the English word categorize. It means to put something or someone into a group to categorize them. We do this all the time, not always improperly, either. But when such categorizations carry an implicit judgment of value and worth, we are joining the adversary of our humanity, the Satan. Entering into divisive accusation reduces if not disintegrates the unity of our common humanity, and we beome butchers of the Body of Christ...
Believing (trusting) is an activity, not a category."
Lies We Believe About God ~ Wm. Paul Young
"The only people who succeed in life are those who can do what they know is important with or without emotional excitement to motivate them! When your get-up-and-go has got up and gone, you need to get up and get it back." ~Joyce Meyer
"If you think that "turning the other cheek" is the coward's way out, may I wager you have never tried it."
~Wm. Paul Young "lies we believe about God"
"Unless I am convicted by Scripture and plain reason - I do not accept the authority of popes and councils because they have contradicted each other - my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. So help me God. Amen"
Martin Luther @ Worms
"Unless I am convicted by Scripture and plain reason - I do not accept the authority of popes and councils because they have contradicted each other - my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. So help me God. Amen"
Martin Luther @ Worms
Bible Studies

Angela Thomas-Pharr
Got to say I liked this study. The actual study part didn't consist of much, but it was packed full of good stuff.
40 days of prayer, and reading the Psalms!
Loved IT!!!

Wisdom for Living Well
Courtney Joseph w/ Beverly Wise
I loved this study that Ms. Joseph did with her mother. And my first in-depth look at Ecclesiastes.
I can say this is an amazing book of the Bible, and an amazing study guide to accompany it.

Job: One Chapter A Day
Courtney Joseph
I without a doubt LOVE doing the Bible one chapter at a time with Ms. Joseph. I recommend this whole series highly. I suggest you find a group to do it with, where there is discussion daily.
I did NOT, however, like the book of Job.
Well guys, I think I've just decided this will be my last Blogger post for a while. The format is NOT user friendly. I can't get things to lay out the way I like, and I find it difficult with my Ceramic Shop, and my OBS's to maintain a quality of writing that I am proud to share.
Stuff that I share from here on out will be for my benefit, if I share anything at all.
Thank you, and have a great day!