Become a Roman Catholic Woman Priest. I'll bet my Catholic friends are rolling over in disbelief. My friend Charles response, "They are heretics and yes, should be burned at the stake. These folks are not legit, despite their claims." I was totally floored yesterday when I saw this in the August 29-September 11, 2014 edition of the National Catholic Register. Women in the Catholic faith have always had to be nuns in order to serve God. Now, through tons of social pressure I am sure, they are allowing women to be priests. This just seems wrong to me.
Don't get me wrong here, it's not that I have a problem with women in the ministry, FAR from it. Women throughout history have played a major role in the Church. I see no reason whatsoever why women can't be priests. But my question is... Did the Catholic church change because they saw the error in their ways, or do they see that they are losing ground, and are "accommodating" due to pressures from the world? Or is this a group of individuals that are defying the traditions of their faith, to do what they want to? I just really wonder.
Far too often, here of late, the steadfast ideologies are being loosened to make religion "appear" friendly, to attract more people. Are we not selling ourselves out when we do this? God has said what is write and what is not. God has given us his Word (s) on what is acceptable and what is not. How can we so easily change what we think it is that God has said? It's one thing to be ignorant of God's Words and become enlightened over time. But those guys that make the rules in the Church, they have been at it hundreds/ thousands of years. I am very skeptical as to the reasoning of their weakening on this issue, and why were they so steadfast on it in the first place?
OK... upon further digging, the Catholic church does NOT condone women priests... From the website, from whence this advertisement refers:
"The first women bishops were ordained by a male Roman Catholic bishop in apostolic succession and in communion with the pope.
The Vatican states that we are excommunicated, however, we do not accept this and affirm that we are loyal members of the church."
Christian Swingers Preach The Word Of God
The link above is a YouTube video that a friend posted on Facebook. My jaw literally dropped when I watched this video. OMG... no, no, no, no, no... I just can not wrap my mind around how these guys thinks this is right.
"If I was a priest going into a swingers club would you listen to me?" No probably not, but if I was a swinger, that had found God, would you listen? When an individual is ready to listen, he will listen, whether that's at a swinger's club, a church, library, OR the grocery store. When the sinner is ready they will come to God.
"God's not going to put a lion with a bunch of elephants..." OH YES HE WOULD... God has done this time time and time again. We are called to evangelize all people, not just the one's like us!!!
"If all the sinners are swingers what's the best way to talk to them, join them..." All sinners are not swingers, and you don't convert murderers, by murdering, you don't convert rapists by raping.
"Thou shall not covet thy neighbors wife, but what if your neighbor wants you to?" NOT even if he wants you to. God spoke... PERIOD.
"The bible doesn't talk about swinging, um uh, specifically... as a married couple if you agree on something together then it's ok. If not, on judgement day, I guess I'll find that out."
1st: If you agree to murder your kids... that's ok? If you agree to kidnap your neighbor and sell him into slavery, that's ok? Just because you agree on something does not make it OK with God.
2nd: "I guess I'll find that out"..... IF you don't know what your doing is right, then it's probably not, God doesn't always come down in your face and say, YOUR WRONG... sometimes he let's you go on thinking your right, UNTIL you ask him.

I just find something totally unsettling about groups of individuals, I want to say interpreting the scripture for their own twisted schemes. But in reality hasn't this been done since the beginning. Martin Luther disagreed with interpretation of the Bible, that was the Catholic faith, and therefore began the Protestant Revolution. On the other hand, I've heard people say that something they read today meant something to them different than the way they read it the first time or the first ten times.
Is this God dragging us to where he wants us, or is it that we are trying to drag God along? If I acknowledge him in what I'm doing, it will be ok?
I am totally against twisting scripture for perversions. I am totally against the ideology of God didn't specifically say I couldn't so it's ok. AND he doesn't specifically say ignorance of the Law is no excuse for breaking the Law. It's up to us to know and/or find out what is right, and what God wants of us. And when we find out that we have sinned, it's our responsibility to make it right, confess it, and ask forgiveness.
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