Saturday, May 21, 2016

Insanity of Obedience ~ Nik Ripken

Really not sure what to say about this one.  Guess I'll just hang it all out there, like I always do, and hope ya'll understand.

Ripken's first book, Insanity of God, was an amazing book.  Absolutely loved it.  Recommended it highly when I read it.  Picked up the Insanity of Obedience on my church's book shelf.  Took me a while to get around to it.  Finally picked it up yesterday.

I read through the first 5 chapters, thinking, this is good stuff... when are we going to get to the meat?

Read the next couple of chapters, thinking, this is okay stuff... when are we going somewhere?

Scanned through the rest of the book, reading the bold sections, the quotes, and the italicized stuff.

This sounds horrible, I know.  The book is a good book.  But it's not the first one.  It's nothing like the first one.  So go into this one knowing that, and you'll love this book.  It has tons of good information.  Tons of digging deeper, going further, opening you up stuff!!!  You NEED to read this book.

If there is even a sliver of a chance that you are not doing what God intended for you, then you need to read this book.

If there is an incling that God is talking to you, and your not listening and doing, then you need to read this book!

It's not enough to say that you're a Christian... What are you "doing" for Jesus today?

Read the book!

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