"Yes, this book will walk you through some uncomfortable and potentially painful issues, but we will not pitch a tent and set up camp there." (Intro p.13)
This book covered it all. From the pride cycle to rejection, from glory to shame, no subject was off limits.
"I propose that we are all spiritual creatures, created in God's image and "wired" for glory. I refer not to a vain quest for the short-lived applause of human approval, but to the firm and lasting substance of significance that flows only from heaven's throne." (p 20)
"Our Lord's grace is as abundant as the water in the ocean, and it comes to His children in wave after refreshing wave. Furthermore, God's amazing grace not only washes away our sins and gives us favor in His eyes, it also empowers us to become something greater than we could ever be on our own. He is the King of Glory who longs to restore our lost glory through a meaningful and endless connection to His presence!" (p48)

Day 9 talks about Possum Glory. "Ironically, adult possums are ugly, inglorious creatures." (p.50)

And although I understand the point that Mr. Santos is trying to make in this passage, I have to stop and disagree with him. Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. And I happen to like possums, both the way they look, and the function that they serve.

" Wealth, status, power, and lofty titles might sound grand and appealing, but when selfishly attained at the expense of others, they amount to nothing more than possum glory". (p52)
Now, you may very well have to read this book to understand the connection made there, but it's spot on. Things we think we want, (or need), they are nothing compared to the glory that comes from God. And obtaining them in unscrupulous methods is extremely ugly!
(P. 56) "Devoid of true glory, we then expend our life's energy in pursuit of junk-store substitutes. By the grace of the Almighty, we can do better."
(P.97) "From a New Testament perspective, not all personal judgments are bad (John 7:24). Only when we judge in order to assign worth to people do the real problems begin. Thus, we can make a clear distinction between making righteous judgments and living with a judgmental heart."
Y'all, that means you can stop feeling bad about every little thing you might think about someone. Judging a person's need so that you can help them is a good thing. Judging a person's intentions if they are out to hurt you, is a good thing. Judging the potential of an encounter based on someone's skin color, NOT such a good thing. In the end, it's about motive, intention, and what's in your heart.
"How we define our individual identities begins with how we perceive our heavenly Father." (P116)
And I'll go on to say, if you have a poor self identity or you have a bad view of our heavenly Father, you need to get your nose in the Bible, and on your knees in prayer. Let Him speak to you who He is, let Him wash His love over you. If you'll get over yourself, and let Him, He will show you just who He is and you will truly never be the same.
"What we tend to despise is a real God who refuses to bow to our will or conform to our standards." (P119)
Now, isn't that the truth! We can't make Him into something He isn't. We can't twist His words to suit our purposes. He is what He is, and that's all He is! And cherry picking out of His words to make it say what you want it to, and ignoring the rest, NAW, that's just wrong!
Now, before I take all the glory out of the book, and make you think you don't have to read it for yourselves, I'm going to hit you with a few "cherry picked" items of greatness, to quench your appetite to buy this one, you will want this one!
"The heavenly Father loves you perfectly, and none of your shortcomings, failures, or problems can make Him love you - a child of the King - any less." (p120)
"Jesus then came to show us that the essence of life is to know God intimately. The presence of the Holy Spirit in our hearts means that the Lord will be ever near, and I cannot think of anything more meaningful." (p136)
"The world despises those who marc to the beat of a heavenly Drummer, who refuse to conform to social pressures." (P140) Oh, despise me world, despise me!
"Never forget that our first ministry is to God and our second is to humanity - in that necessary order. Keeping our priorities straight is vital for at least two reasons." (p.155) Read the book for those reasons, or PM me personally.
"The Bible also tells us that God has already given us a down payment on our eternal inheritance: the Holy Spirit!" (P.167)
Oh, YES, HE has!
Alright, on that note, I'm going to stop there. That one just says it all!!!
I have marked up this book, more than any other book I've read (besides the Bible). Truth be told, I could share most of it with you here, cause it's just that good. It's deep. Yes, it's painful. Yes, it's worth it! If you want fluff, this one is not for you. If you want sugar coating, this one is not for you.
If you want to get real with yourself and dig, this one is certainly for you!
Bob has shared stories from his life, is transparent and honest. His observations are shared with scripture backing. The book is divided into devotions, 40 days. Small bite-sized portions, with enough substance to chew on for a while, intended to digest slowly. Perfect for those on the run with only 15 or so minutes required daily.
I will be revisiting this one over and over.
Do yourself a favor and go get it now! I was given an advance copy, (thank you Bob for sharing it with me). I wish I had gotten this review done before release date. It's done, it's published, it's here now! Go get this book!