Sunday, August 3, 2014

Who is THE Church?

Seems the more I learn, the more questions that I have.  I have an answer to my initial question.  Constantine in 335, separated the Christians from the Jews, splitting the Messianic church that started around 30 AD, into Messianic Jews on one branch, and Catholics on another.   Constantine went on (more research needed) to "convert" and/or "persecute" and/or "eliminate" those that did not go with him.   So it seems this is the source of the hatred that of Christians to Jews, and Constantine's moving Christianity away from all things Jewish, was in essence a complete success.  And only recently are historians and others like me finding out how to put the two "halves" back together, to find the Truth.

And I am not sure an answer can be found, but I am on the exploration to find out who the Christians, ARE?

1.  Messianic Church: I have seen it said this was the first church of Christians, formed around 30 AD.

2.  Catholic Church: Says they were founded by Jesus and Peter was their first Pope.

3.  Greek Orthodox Church: was created by the original Apostles, when they returned to Jerusalem, and were filled by the Holy Spirit on the first Pentecost.  Only after this did they feel that they were empowered to go do Christ's work.

All there claim to be first.  More research is needed, and input from out there would be welcome.


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