Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Rooted ~ By Josh Foliart Part 5 (Final Part)

Josh Foliart did visit my church a while back.  To be totally honest I don't remember him at all, I do remember buying his book.  Of which I just spent the last week or so reading.  I normally review my read books on a separate blog, but feel the nature of this one should be here instead.  AND there is a lot of it I want to revisit.  Sooooo, forewarning, MOST of what I'm going to share is word for word from the book.  There are 7 sections in the book, so this will be multi-part posting.  I will be posting here what I took from the book and the stuff I want to revisit, any quotes that are not specified from other sources, are quoted from the book Rooted by Josh Foliart. 

Section 6

"This is why Jesus called peacemakers "sons of God." Peace has no chance of being made, unless a leader who is filled with heaven's weapon of love is willing to sacrifice for that peace."

"Heart and culture transformation are inside jobs that can only be accomplished through heart-level means.  you can't have real peace from the outside in."

"If good exists without God, then given enough time, we will think ourselves to be the standard and measurement of all that is right.  It is precisely because of this idea that classes, races, ethnicities, tongues, and people groups have segregated themselves into superior and inferior categories.  We get to decide what's right for ourselves.  Abortion becomes justified.  War becomes necessary, and peace becomes an illusion.  It's a slippery slope." 

"Let me be very clear in what I'm trying to say.  The "Good without God" worldview has deep and negative consequences.  As we unconsciously buy into it, we begin to preserve our way of life, our look, and our methodology.  Slowly but surely, love creeps out of our lives and leaves us with an evil that is unprecedented."
"God's way is to overcome evil with his good.  God's people fight from a place of a past tense victory.  The battle for our souls has been won, but the battle for our love rages like a fire.  There is no good apart from Him."

"There are two primary acts of obedience that Jesus asks us to pay forward: to love and to forgive."

"Whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them."

"How dare we hold unforgiveness over the head of another human, when we've been completely forgiven?  It should never happen, but it does.  If we are without the power to totally forgive the sins of others, it is because we have not been rooted in the knowledge of our own debt to Jesus.  And maybe, we have not yet been forgiven."

"Maybe you need to stop and speak this over yourself right now.  "He is willing to forgive my sin! He is willing to forgive others who sin against me!" This one idea might change everything for you!"

"When we have been forgiven internally, we are empowered to habitually forgive externally."

"Forgiveness brings sustainable change to any environment, any marriage, and any life."

Section 7

"Love never fails"

D.L. Moody said, "A small faith will bring your soul to heaven, but a great faith will bring heaven to your soul."

That's all folks.  I know this is a lot of good stuff I'm sharing, and there is so much more in this book.  Find a copy for yourself, it's more than worth the $7.

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