Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Atheist Billboards

"Dear Santa, all I want for Christmas is to.... skip church! I'm too old for fairy tales."
  • Atheist group's Christmas-themed billboard on I-49 turns heads

  • MILWAUKEE (WITI) — A billboard displayed in Milwaukee is getting some extra attention over its strong and some might say, controversial message.

12:16 PM CST Dec 02, 2014

A Christmas-themed billboard along I-49 in Springdale has some drivers doing a double-take.
The billboard near Wagon Wheel road slams Christmas as a religious holiday.
The billboard reads "Dear Santa, all I want for Christmas is to.... skip church! I'm too old for fairy tales."
Passing motorists said they have mixed feelings about the billboard. 
One woman said, " I don't .. I don't think that's really appropriate. I think everybody should go to church as they wish. I think God's out there for everyone."
The president of American Atheists, responded to to the concerns. Dave Silverman, said  "preachers are going to get upset. That's OK, they're the ones peddling lies for a living."
The group said the billboard is up to let people in the area know about an Atheist convention that will be held in Memphis on Easter weekend. 

This is the story as it appears on 40/29 here in Fort Smith.   Click here for story and video.
I have to admit I was appalled when I read this last night.  It's one thing to not believe, that is your choice.  It's one thing for you to "not" inform your children of the truth.  BUT for you to pay money and rent a billboard and advertise something that is "MY" responsibility to teach or not teach my children absolutely without a doubt crosses the line for me.  
I did some research there are tons of atheist billboards that I found that I am absolutely appalled by, but this one... Santa of all things, crosses the line.  Here in Arkansas, in the heart of the Bible belt of all places.  I see also an article in Milwaukee the same billboard.  Totally offensive, but crosses the line into parenting here.  Booooooo!!!!!!!

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