Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Eve ~ Wm. Paul Young

Eve by Wm. Paul Young

Now here comes another book by Wm. Paul Young.  His newest release, Eve.  This book is destined to be as controversial as The Shack (Also by Wm. Paul Young).   And I just have to say that I love reading stuff that is controversial.

From right out in chapter one, Eve makes you think.  The story, of course, is fiction.  Know this going in, it's FICTION!!! And it's full of scripture, folklore, and mythology.  Like I said, it's going to make you think.

A very unique witnessing of the creation story, with plot twists, and roller coasters, intrigue, deception, and love.  Darkness and Light come together in this tale, into a thing of beauty.

If you've ever heard the rumors of Adam's first wife... or wondered in Ezekial, what is the Lilith? Well this story gives you a new look at this.  It will make you go "hmmm"? "OH NO" and "Oh, I can't believe he's going there".   I absolutely loved how Young, took this Jewish folktale and wove it into something beautiful here.

There was a time or two, that I didn't like this book, and the direction it was taking.  But in the end it came back to where it was supposed to be.  I was in suspense through the whole book, worried towards the end if Young was going to wrap it up too fast like he did in The Shack.  But all in all the landing was smooth and perfect.

I would have to recommend that you find the back story on Lilith before you read this book.  Without the back story I would have thought Young was just reaching beyond what he should have.  I found a compilation of the whole Lilith story in Secrets from the Lost Bible by Hanson.

I absolutely loved this book, and the fact that it makes you think! So many things today, just don't make you think.  I love Young's ability to weave a tale that isn't inaccurate, but plausible, and yet know that it's all fiction.

Who is John? John the Apostle? John the Immerser? John of the Revelation?  Too many Johns to choose from.  Don't miss the answer, cause I absolutely did the first time through!

In the end, I must say, that I recommend this book highly! I loved reading it, and will read it many many many more times in my lifetime.  Thou I can not recommend it for anyone that is not firm in the Word of God and secure in their relationship with HIM.

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