Wednesday, October 14, 2015

War Room

If you have not watched this movie yet... WHAT are you waiting for?  This movie is said to have the potential to change a nation.  And I think whomever said that was right.  For this to happen though, people have to watch it...  LISTEN to it... Understand it... and Apply it!!!!

This is the best Christian film I've seen in a long long time.

Priscilla Shrirer, (you may know her form Armor of God, God is Able and many other Bible studies) does an excellent job in this movie, of portraying "OUR" struggles in day to day life.  "OUR" struggles in our marriages.  "OUR" struggles in our walk of Faith.

This movie had me in tears, mad at the world, laughing my butt off, and jumping for joy... the whole gambit of emotions... AND a practical application of how to walk in Jesus!

All of us have needed a Ms. Clara a time or two.  GO WATCH THIS MOVIE!!!!

I really could go on and on about the movie...  But I do have to say you should read the book too.  In the movie one of the characters is portrayed as a jerk, whereas in the book you see inside and realize they are confused and messed up too.

There's a 5 week Bible study too for those of you that would want to dive deeper into the message.

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