Tuesday, December 22, 2015

God... On Facebook?

Is God in Social Media?

First let me tell you a little about me.  I grew up in a Protestant family, that did not attend church.  I went to VBS once or twice as a kid.  Drug my mother to a Southern Baptist church as a teen couple of times.  Did get baptize. Tried a couple of other churches along the way, really felt that if God existed, that He didn’t exist for me.  I think they call that Agnostic. 

I divorced my 2nd husband on a Tuesday, and found myself in church the following Sunday.  I went in the morning, and knew that I would keep going, even though I got very little out of it, I had a sense that I needed to be there.  That evening I returned, there was not message, just music, and some quiet time.  During the quiet time, I sat in church in tears, and asked God, “Did I do the right thing for my kids? Did I do the right thing for me? Are you (God) and I ok?”

Yes, I know, I didn’t get an answer.  I didn’t really expect one. 

This church was an old church, made out of a lot of concrete and bricks.  As such, there was no cell signal inside of it.  As I walk out of the building that evening, my phone blinged.  That telltale sound of a Facebook message.  I think to myself “Just what I need”.  Stick my phone back in my pocket, I’ll check it when I get home. 

The message I got: “Hi Janice, I don’t know you but I was just heading for bed when I thought I’d check my Facebook before going to sleep.  I really felt God tell me to look up your name and he pointed you out as soon as all the Janice Rogers came up, he put it on my heart to tell you that he REALLY loves you and is so proud of you and wants you to be happy and joyful.  I hope this isn’t weird to you, I don’t know if you are a follower of Jesus, but I truly believe that he uses us to encourage and reach other people and I really felt like I needed to tell you this.  I don’t normally leave people I don’t know, random messages like this on Facebook.  Again, I don’t know you, but we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.  Please let me know if this meant something to you and sorry is this seems totally strange. – Duncan”

Well, I must tell you, THAT changed my life.  At that point in time, I spent a lot of time on Facebook, it was “new” and “shiny” and I was meeting people through games from all over the world.  And God chose to use THAT to reach me.  Not only did He use Facebook, but He used Duncan from Edinburgh, United Kingdom to reach out to me, to answer my questions!  So, absolutely, God uses social media, and anything else that He can to reach you, YOU just have to be open to it. 

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