Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Random Little TidBits 12/16/2015

Tidbit #1  

Oh, I do love my random little bits!!!  I am reading so many things right now, I can't seem to complete any of them so that I can update you guys more completely.  I did finish Handbook for Christian Maturity by Bill Bright.  I do think overall it was very much worth going through that study.  I think that it was a bit tedious at times.  I bit "elementary" at times.  But all in all, a GREAT experience going through the study.  Granted the last two steps we went through at an accelerated pace.  I recommend doing this study in "chunks".  Do a couple of steps.  Then do something else.  Do not go in with the idea that you'll do it all, then something else.  It would have been even better had we done this in 10 individual steps, rather than as one.

Tidbit #2

I know that I am a little late, but I do hope that everyone had a great Hanukkah!

Tidbit #3

I shared this with a lady on Facebook yesterday, but think that all of you need to hear it.  When I was 27 I had just divorced my first husband, and I wallowed in depression for a long time.  I had my gall bladder taken out shortly there after, and it took me a bit to recover from that, so the depression worsened.  I was alone in a trailer out in the middle of nowhere.  So far from anyone, that no-one regularly checked on me.  The lack of interaction with "friends" really did a number on me.  

One day, I was looking in the mirror, and I said to myself, "You don't even like yourself how can you expect anyone else to like you"...  

That is when my life changed.  Over the course weeks, months, maybe even years, I worked on being someone that I would like.  It took me a while, and a lot of God's help, but I like me.  And with that process came the realization that I am a wonderful and amazing person.  And those who can't see that, well, it's okay.  They are the ones missing out.  You know, if you like yourself, there are others out there that will like you also.  And there is no reason whatsoever to chase after, beg, plead, or bribe someone to spend time with you.  

Not everyone will love us, but those that do, are the ones that God has put in your life, and they are the true friends that will love us for who we are, not for what they can get from us.  

Be your own best friend first!

Tidbit #4  

      I am getting into ceramics.  My first project is a series of 13 crosses.  This is the first and largest in this series.  After the first of the year I plan to sell them.  They are all handcrafted by myself.  They can be done in any color combination you choose.

Tidbit #5

Four Spiritual Laws

Law One:  God LOVES you and has a wonderful PLAN for your life. 

Law Two:  Man is SINFUL and SEPARATED from God.  Thus he cannot know and experience God's love and plan for his life. 

Law Three:  Jesus Christ is God's ONLY provision for man's sin.  Through Him you can know and experience God's love and plan for your life. 

Law Four:  We must individually RECEIVE Jesus Christ as savior and Lord; then we can know and experience God's love and plan for our lives. 

IF you do NOT know the love of Jesus, and would like to talk more, contact me at

Tidbit #6:  The Meme Corner

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