Monday, November 23, 2015

Sandcastle Kings ~ Rich Wilkerson, Jr.

Sandcastle Kings
Meeting Jesus in a Spiritually Bankrupt World

As read on the back of the book: "In Sandcastle Kings, Rich Wilkerson, Jr., offers a powerful, alternative vision for what will bring us true fulfillment and joy.  Looking at four dramatic stories from the seventh chapter of the gospel of Luke, Wilkerson shows how our deepest longing will never be met in the places we usually look: in ourselves, other people, material things, or even religion.  Instead, our ultimate desire can be satisfied only in Jesus.  Only in looking to him can we find what our hearts are looking for, and only in him can we find the peace and joy we so desperately crave."

Wilkerson absolutely has written an awesome book here.  I love when an author can pull a chapter out of the bible,  and just fill up a book about it.  AND (crucial and there) AND make it something worth reading.  I know I can fill up a book with stuff no-one ever needs to read.  But this was genuinely a great book.

Four individual stories, all pull from Luke 7, and all treated like individual stories.  That when pulled together, show how very often we build our foundations on the sand that is swept away at the end of the day.

It's worth it, go check it out!!!  I'm going to pass my copy forward to someone I haven't actually met yet!  It's that good!


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