Monday, November 16, 2015

Creating a Firm Foundation in Jesus!

A year or so ago, my pastor recommended both of these Bible studies to the congregation.  He recommended them at different times, but on several occasions, Being new at understanding Christ, I am always listening for recommended reads of the people around me.  These two being mentioned a few times, arrived at the top of my list to read.  I'm including them both here, but I think they worked together.  

  A Handbook for Christian Maturity by Bill Bright.  

When pastor recommended this one, he said that his group took two years to go through it.  I found a copy and looked at it.  There is an introduction, and then ten steps to it.  Each step involves 6-8 Lessons.  So, let's say you do one per week, it's going to take you the better part of two years to go through it.  I am doing this one in my Tuesday group, just me and another lady.  We started in February, and in our three our window we are able to cover three (roughly) a week.  Sometimes we talk too much and don't get that many done.  LOL!

The drawback of doing them this quick, they seem repetitive... And we have found ourselves saying to each other "didn't we just do this".  Well that is how you drive it home, and learn it, is repetition.  It would be best to do one lesson per week, this would optimize the learning!  

The study, even on the rapid track, is absolutely amazing.  And now that we are almost done, I want to say that I'm above this level, but it was these two studies that got me here.  So, I recommend both studies to everyone.  Even if your past the initial learning stage, it's great to reinforce and reintroduce you to things you may have forgotten, or didn't quite understand!

Experiencing God 
by Henry & Richard Blackaby & Claude King

This study is 12 weeks, and involves 12 videos.  It's amazingly packed full of great information.  This study involves activities that open yourself up to God, open up your understanding of Him and what He wants from you.  Guides you on how to hear Him, and talk to Him, and strengthen your relationship with Him.  It helps you understand what kind of relationship He wants, and much much more!

I recommend this study to any and everyone that does not have a personal relationship with Jesus and His Father.  

Quit sitting on your laurels, and develop the relationship that you have with our Father!

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