Monday, November 9, 2015

Renegade Gospel & It's Not What You Think

The Renegade Gospel:  The Rebel Jesus

Just look at the picture...  Renegade Gospel...  The Rebel Jesus...  If you don't know who Jesus is, this book will be a great read for you!  If you know who Jesus is... this book is probably not for you. 

I expected this to be an awesome book.  With the words.... renegade and rebel, I'm thinking this is going to be a radical new look at our beloved Jesus.  I was disappointed.  

There were a few nuggets of nice, but not the greatness that I was expecting.  

"Christians have done more to destroy the image and message of Jesus than all the atheists and agnostics combined!"  Isn't that just absolutely the truth.

"Jesus did not come to start a religion.  I doubt that he ever said to himself, "Okay, now I am going to begin something called Christianity." Instead, the rebel Jesus came with a renegade gospel to start a revolution that would be propelled by a countercultural community of people on Planet Earth.  And you and I are invited to be a part."  Some great stuff!!!!

So... okay... reading the book was not a waste of time.  With the name, though, Mike, you could have done some really great things...  in my opinion you did some okay things here, and let me down.

As far as the 6 week study that goes along with this book... skip that.  It was horrible.  The audience was very small, you could see one of the people reading their "fed" question off the cue card in their hand.  If you read the book, you don't need the videos, it's the same information.  


It's Not What You Think:  
Why Christianity is About So Much More Than Going to Heaven When You Die

I started this book the very day I finished Renegade Gospel.  My initial inclination was not to read it, as I'm not a huge fan of Jefferson Bethke.  But since it came in October's faithbox, it didn't cost me anything extra.  Mr. Bethke's daily devotional that came in the faithbox was pretty good.  So... why not.  I picked it up and began to read.  

faithbox  is a monthly subscription of "stuff" that comes in a box.  If you like getting stuff in the mail, and like surprises... then faithbox is for you!

Ok... back to the book.  It's Not What You Think... starts out great.  I'm thinking to myself at the beginning that this book should have had the title Renegade Gospel.  Because out of the box it's great.  Then in the first 2-4 chapters, we have a roller coaster, that was impossible to follow.  I was so confused by these few chapters that I almost put the book down, and I just don't do that.  Then, I'm not sure, if Mr. Bethke finds his rhythm or if I figure out how to follow, but it turns out to be a really good book.  

Jefferson Bethke gives us his personal take on love, our bodies, neighbors, the future, rest (sabbath), worship, the kingdom, our brokenness and communion.  I found his thoughts very insightful and right on track!!!  Along the way, he opens up to us, and really lets us see who he is, where he came from, where he's going.  A lot of people have a truly hard time doing this.   

Jefferson your book was amazing and I would recommend it to anyone that asked!

One quote that I just have to share:  "One way I heard a pastor say it that helps me, is that the Bible is descriptive not prescriptive.  It's mainly about how God relates to a broken and rebellious human race, and in the midst of that narrative he gives some precepts and ways to live."

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