Saturday, November 7, 2015

Random Little Tidbits 11-7-2015

"Life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent how I react to it" ~ Charles Swindoll

TidBit 1:  Is a post I made on FaceBook on 11-6-2015

When you disagree with something I believe, that does not automatically make me wrong. What you should do is try to see why I think what I do. Maybe there's an adjustment in thinking that should be made. But it could be its needed in your thinking and how will you know if you just automatically think I'm wrong.

TidBit 2:  Get Healthy... for you and your loved ones. 

I've been overweight a good portion of my life.  I am miserable.  I somehow managed to lose a lot of weight when I was having my babies, but then about two years ago, I quit smoking.  And no matter what you think you're not doing, the weight went back on.  

I was miserable, sick all the time, no energy, lots of naps, depressed, didn't want to go anywhere, just MISERABLE...

And now, I have a hernia... Doctor's don't want to fix it, cause they know it won't heal right.  I've had it since my appendectomy.  Which healed wrong.  Doctor's say; "it would be better for you to lose the weight before we fix it".  As if I haven't tried...  I've been going to the gym for over a year now, I wind up not feeling any better, and miss a few days.  I get hurt, and miss a few days.  Talked my husband into going with me, and actually GAINED weight... and he was working me so hard it's not funny.  So, I ask the Doctor, "how... how do I lose weight... I've tried everything I know, and a dozen others... and my husband verified this...  and the Doctor seriously... looked me straight in the face and said "well science would beg to differ"...  I understand science...  I understand the concept of calories eaten versus calories burned...  THAT didn't work for me!!!!  "well what about liquid calories?"...  Hahahaha....  "I didn't think that water had any calories in it?" I say to him, before I get up and walk out.  WHAT an "asshole"...

Needless to say, I have a new doctor now...  He says "six weeks, you try to loose weight, if you loose weight we will wait six more weeks and look at it, if you're are not losing weight, six more weeks, and we fix your hernia regardless"

OKAY!!!!   SIX weeks later, I have lost 21 lbs.  

Here's how:

1.  I got me a nutritionist that put me on a plan.  She is a friend so she didn't charge me anything.  Talked to me about "target heart rate"....  Apparently I'd been working out too hard.   She put me on an exercise plan.  On a diet plan that did not work for me, but I did take from her plan, that I should not eat a lot of "grain" in the evenings.  I can eat grain, but not for dinner.  And she gave me a low expected loss rate of two pounds per week. 

2.  Then I come across The Daniel Plan, a book by Rick Warren, Daniel Amen, and Mark Hyman.  I read this book.  And loved it.  I have not implemented the 40 day Challenge yet.  But I have incorporated their 5 areas into my life.  I eat whole and natural foods any and every opportunity I have.  I eat a LOT more fruits and vegetables.   And (BIG AND) have eliminated almost all intake of sugar.

3.  I work out, at least one time per day, 4-5 days a week, at the gym.  Supposed to be 5, yes I know, but sometimes life happens.  10 min walk, 10 min bike, 10 min walk and 10 min bike.  THAT's it, so far.  And these are at rates that stay within 2 bpm of my target heart rate.  WHICH means you need a machine that measures bpm... or a fitbit...

4.  Praying God's Words by Beth Moore, I take this to the gym with me, and read the Overcoming Food Strongholds section while I am working out.  That's chapter 8.  

5.  I take Beta Plus, which contains enzymes that replace the function of my gall bladder, as well as the multi-vitamin Alive for Women, in addition to Fish Oil for the Omega 3's.  

6.  I read the Bible, every single day.  Even if it's just a reading plan, that talks about the Bible and then gives you just one verse to read.  I still do it EVERY day.  I have kids, and am not a morning person, so a "routine" hasn't happened yet, but I'm working on it. 

I wrote these down, not in order of importance, but in the order in which I implemented them in my routine.  Above everything else, God is the one that is helping me lose the weight.  It's for His glory that He is performing this miracle in my body.  Praise be to the Father!

I shared with you what I do, that does not mean it will work for you, but it is working for me.  There are many many many diets and exercise programs out there.  This is because none of us are alike, but we all want to share what we have found out.  I won't lie and tell you I don't have a long hard road ahead, losing the first 15% of what I need to was hard, but I feel tons better not carrying that weight around.  I have more energy.  I can't wait for the other 85% to go, and anticipate the greatness in the Lord that I will feel when that happens.  I would recommend to each and everyone struggling with weight... Ask God to help you, Ask Him to show you the plan, parts of plans, or many plans that you need to succeed in this.  AND thank HIM in advance!!!!  He will come through for you. 


TidBit 3:  Saved Memes

I have to admit that C.S. Lewis is rapidly becoming my favorite author.  I meet with a friend on Tuesday evenings, in sort of a "book club", in so much as a club can consist of two people.  And although I had read Screwtape Letters before, we are reading it for this months book selection.  And I'm loving every second of it.  

Tipi, has gone so far as to tell me that Lewis's Lion, Witch and Wardrobe series is all about Christ.  So now, I'm on a hunt for more information.  That possible connection had never occurred to me.  I will keep you informed... as always!

Shabbat Shalom!

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