Friday, April 8, 2016

Lies, Fraud, or Theft?

I have a bug in my craw, and I just can't shake it.  So how about I put it out there, and then I can be done with it.  No reason whatsoever that I should carry it myself, and really I probably, truthfully shouldn't put it out there.  But even though this might hurt someone's feelings, it's truth as far as I see it.

If you borrow something from someone, and do not return it, you are a thief.  Pure and simple.  People don't buy stuff, have stuff, or loan stuff out, that they don't want, need or have proper ownership thereof.

If I have something, I do not mind at all loaning it to you.  BUT I want it back.  Unless the words, "you can have it" come out of my mouth, I want it back.  I don't care if I haven't used what I've loaned you in 20 years, it's still mine, and I want it back.


Let's look a little closer at this.

1st Scenario:

Let's say that I borrow $20 from you.  I tell you when I ask to borrow it that I will pay it back on Friday.  Friday comes along and something happened and I can't pay it back.  Things happen.  Things happen a lot.  SATAN makes sure of it.  If I can't pay it back, I should call you, explain what happened and tell you I can't pay it back.  And I should give you a time when I think I will be able to.  I should NOT ignore the fact that I said that I would pay you, and ignore you, until you forget about the money. If I come across the money sooner, I should pay to you first.  NOT go to WalMart and get groceries first, and hope that I have enough for you afterwards!

OOOOH...  I think I'm beginning to see an inkling of how God feels when we don't tithe our full share first.

I should also NOT assume that you have plenty of money, and don't need me to return it quickly.  I mean, why would you loan it to me, if you needed it right?

People of this world, simply and absolutely, do not think about anyone but themselves!

If you borrow money, and do NOT pay it back, that absolutely 100% is Theft!

2nd Scenario:

Starts out the same as the last one, I ask to borrow $20, I tell you I will pay it back Friday.  You decide whatever the reason I sold you was worth buying, and loan me the money.  BUT I have NO intention whatsoever of ever paying you back.  THAT, my friend, is FRAUD and THEFT! And a LIE!

3rd Scenario:

Let's say that you move somewhere that you have no family, but one really good friend.  You move there to make a living "off" the grid.  When you get there, you right off the bat, go "on" the grid.  And bounce from job to job to job, not ever getting ahead.  Because you didn't do what you had planned to do, nor what God wanted you to do, and you just can't make it work.

You decide, that you have to bounce out of the state to avoid OCSE...  Again!  And move back to where you have some family.  You decide (without asking your friend) to put some of your stuff in her attic, until you can afford to have her ship it, because you simply don't have enough room in your car for all of your stuff.

THEN, you never send her any  money to ship it.  WHAT do you really expect her to do with your stuff?

Well, after a year, I am sending it to you at my expense.  Knowing full well that you will probably NEVER pay me back for the shipping.  Which isn't cheap.  I should just throw it all away, but my heart, conscience, or God one won't let me.

You had some nerve, to put your crap in my attic, where I couldn't reach it, (I had to get someone to get it down).  THEN, without my asking, you said, "I'll send you money next week".  AND didn't.

WHY?  YOU knew you weren't going to send me any money.  You KNEW I wouldn't just throw your stuff away.  What if I wanted to sell my house and move? What if I forget it's up there?

Thank you, for putting you above me, with my space and money! And for lying to me after the fact.  JUST DON'T!


Don't be one of the people in the previous scenarios.  You should be thinking about other people, before yourself.  Do not say your going to do something if you're not.  And don't take liberties with stuff that's not yours!

I am done with my rant.  Thank you all for listening!


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