Beattitudes of Marriage ~ 9 Simple Steps to a Healthier and Happier Marriage
by Mark Gungor
Last Octoberish, a couple at church approached my husband and I, about forming a life group. We are in our 40's with young kids at home, and they are in their 30's with young kids at home. Some of the open life groups at our church are for the older generations (50 plus), and most of them are for the younger groups (20's ish, singles, no kids). We just couldn't find one that we "fit" into. So we formed one of our own. Or we are trying to, I should say. Anyway... Mid's with Kids... Yes that is us. My husband, being a military man, was familiar with Mark Gungor and they used to use his seminar Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage, in military couples retreats/ enrichment things. So being the dutiful husband, he pushed us (YES pushed, I'm not a big "let the military take over every aspect of my life" person) into getting Gungor's group study materials for the group.
In doing my "homework" about Gungor, I found that he was going to be giving a seminar, live less than an hour from here, and the tickets were more than reasonable. So I reluctantly signed us up. Don't you just LOVE how mysteriously the Lord works?
There is nothing about this mans work that I don't like. I was so hesitant sitting in that church in Fayetteville. Gary had showed me some of the Youtube clips, they were short, and I really thought this guy was a jerk. Live, though, you got it all. The banter in between the segments. The true character of this man comes out. And he is truly a treasure!!!
I don't even know why I picked this book up in the lobby during intermission. We are "teaching" the class, I really don't think we "needed" the seminar for US. I started laughing right off the bat, and did not stop until the seminar was over the next day. But picked the book up because I thought it was "cute". It is cute, AND it's awesome. Mark Gungor never misses the mark, the book, he wanted to do it like a children's book, simple, with pictures.
Mark never fails to shoot it straight. Comments like: "Want to save yourselves thousands of dollars in marriage counseling? Want to avoid the need for professional counseling in the first place? GET SOME FRIENDS!!!" and one of my favorites in this book "Apparently, yelling at the depressed is not particularly helpful - who knew??)" "(Apparently, wives can still yell at you even while they are whispering. Again, who knew??)"
He brings the easily overlooked, 9 simple steps, of common sense right back to in your face.
I love this book, GET it, and READ it, and read it again, it's good stuff.

The Mark Gungor Show His radio show is every Monday. He will answer questions that you email to him.
BeAttitudes This is the book on vimeo, where he does it Live.