Friday, April 3, 2015

Battlefield of the Mind ~ Joyce Meyers

A wonderful lady at church said to the congregation one morning, "If you are having problems, any kind of problems, you need the Full Armor of God, Ephesians 6, and get your mind right, with Joyce Meyers Battlefield of the Mind".  Sue your an angel.  I was already studying the Full Armor of God by Dr. Richards, but in addition to reading this book, I think I am well on my way!!!! Thanks, Sue!!

Have you ever had one of these thoughts?  I can't have a good future because of things in my past.  I'm not good enough.  Someone else can take care of it for me.  It's too hard.  I want it all and I want it now.  Or even it's not my fault that I am the way I am.  Ms. Meyers addresses these mindsets and many more in her revised Battlefield of the Mind.  

Joyce Meyers first wrote this book back around 1995.  And I'm sure it was as good then as it is today.  
I really thought that I was figuring things out.  Getting "on track" with God.  And Ms. Meyer's enlightenment on some of the mindsets she listed, just hit me square in the forehead.  She is on the money on the mindsets that do not apply to me.  AND very informative on the ones that do.  

The 1st third of the book, explains and itemizes the importance of the health of your mind.  Many examples of key items to remember "a person will get out of the Word what he is willing to put into it", and "You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind."  Little juicy tidbits of info, that WOW they are just so true.  And I so wish that a friend of mine would actually listen when I say that last one to him.  

The 2nd part of the book Conditions of the Mind, itemizes and explains different kinds of minds, from the "Confused Mind", "Doubtful Mind" to the "Passive Mind".  Joyce explains all of them and gives several examples of how to heal our minds if we have one of these "Minds".  

Then, (my favorite part), the 3rd part, Joyce expounds on the Wilderness Mindsets.  She lists 10 of them, and explains how we can get lost in these mindsets, and thus lose our way.  And she helps the reader to come to terms with where they are, and walks you back to where you should be.  With each of the Minds and the Mindsets, she gives examples from her own life, so you know you are not alone, and you know it's not where you have to stay.  

Of all the books that I have read in the past year, THIS is the one that I will be rereading regularly.  It's very informative, very helpful, and stuff that will needs to be read more than once to get it inside your head for regular access and utilization. 

This one is going on my reading list, every couple of months!!!  I recommend it completely.  

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