Thursday, April 16, 2015

Fighting Back with Joy ~ Margaret Feinberg


Do you ever just get in a rut and stay there?  Do you have trouble pulling yourself up and out?  Are there times that you "want" to be happy, but just can't seem to find the ability?

Margaret Feinberg has come up with a study that will totally help you!!!!

I'm a person that didn't think she was having a problem with Joy, and went through this bible study, JUST because the rest of the group wanted to.  I am so very glad that I did.  Margaret helped me to take my Joy and Happiness to the next level.  

Having battled breast cancer and come out on top, She sets out to share some of the things that she did to try to maintain her joy during her trials.  She also spends a lot of time, sharing with "us" things we can do for our friends and family that may be going through battles that might steal their joy.  

We all wish that we could do something, anything, for those we love that are in pain.  Margaret sets out to help us all in this area.  

She also has a daily email that is encouraging and enlightening.  And has created a set of "love you" cards that are more appropriate for these kinds of illnesses than what you typically find at the supermarket.  

My group at church just finished this week, and the reviews are overwhelmingly great.  Most of the ladies did not participate in the activities at the beginning of each chapter, I personally found them fun.  And at the end of our 6 weeks (more like 9, cause of weather and holidays), we bought helium filled red balloons.  Each one of us wrote a love letter to God and released them in the middle of a storm to Him that loves us so much.  

God gives us the gift of Joy and Happiness.  It's our decision to accept the gift.  

Margaret will help you to make this decision, if you need help.  

I recommend this book and study, highly.  

1 comment:

  1. So thrilled you enjoyed Fight Back With Joy, Janice. Thank you for shouting out about it. Grateful, honored, and humbled.
