Thursday, May 28, 2015

Breaking Free ~ Beth Moore

Breaking Free by Beth Moore

I must start off by saying, I love me some Beth Moore.  Those of you that have done some of her studies will know why I said it that way. 

She has got some spunk, and some fire, and just some common ground with so many people.  You just have to love it.  

Beth digs her way into the Bible, she pulls stuff out of it, that I know it's there when she's done, but I would have never gotten it on my own.  So because of that, Yes I will continue to do her studies. 

Breaking Free, is a very deep, in depth look at self, and the things that we have allowed to bind us, and keep us from the Lord.  I spent the time doing the homework, I learned so very much in this study.  I did not however, "Break Free".  I think, that's because I had already broken free on my own.  

We all have things, that could bind us.  I have several things in my past that did bind me.  I, with God's help, have worked through all those things.  (As far as I know, and He revealed nothing to me during this study).  

I really can not comment on the success of this study for it's intended purposes.  I am just not mature enough in the knowledge of the Word, and with Christ to know "if" this would work for others, to pull them out of things.  But it sure looks like it would. 

Beth, helps whomever takes this study to completion, to deal with bondage that separates us from God.  From things done to us by others, things done to us by ourselves, from things said to us, things that we think about ourselves.  From child abuse, to past sins, she goes in depth with it all.  If you are struggling with any of those things that separate you from God, and/or being who God intended for you to be, please take the time and go through this study, with a group, or even by yourself.  

I'm not going to go into them deeply, but I do want to mention, that Beth talks intensely about the 5 Benefits God Intends for every One of His Children.  If you do NOT know all 5 of these benefits, then please take the time to do this study, or one on the topic of bondage and/or freedom. 

The 5 Benefits that Beth Moore says YOU should have are:
1.  To know God and believe Him. 
2.  To glorify God. 
3.  To find satisfaction in God. 
4.  To experience God's peace. 
5.  To enjoy God's presence.  

Beth will give you the keys that you need to get all 5 of these!! I recommend this study to those that are separated from God.  


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