Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Heavenly Father

Dear Heavenly Father,

I am so scared about the things that are happening in the world today.  Scared, frustrated, concerned, and at my wits end, at the things that have become acceptable by mainstream society.  There is already so much cursing and killing on the television, and that's not even from the news.  The same sex kissing has just begun.  Now with the Supreme Court of the U.S. saying it's okay for guys to marry guys, and girls to marry girls, its going to explode on the tv worse than it is now.  Drugs are legal in a few states on the West Coast, means that drug use will become a state of normalcy for television shows.

All of these things just a few decades ago were taboo.  Now it's plastered all over the media as okay.  How does a parent instill in their children that these things are NOT okay, when they see it every where?  How does a parent shelter their children from this blatant acceptance of sin, without sheltering them from society as a whole?  How can they learn to stand on their own moral foundation, when most of the world around them has no moral foundation?

Lord, I know that you can do these things.  I know that you can help me.  I know that you will instill in their hearts a desire to know you.  And to know what is right.  And to do those things that are right, and for them to grow on their own, and not be swayed from You by peer pressure, and societal perversions.

I love you, Lord, please show me, day by day, the steps to take with You, with them, and with me.


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