Friday, July 17, 2015

ReWriting the Bible


Rewrite the Bible to eliminate references to homosexuality.  
Read the article here:  Gay Man Sues Zondervan

Alright here is my stand! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!! Seriously do you really think that you can sue a publisher and change the way your parents think?
Even if you are successful, by suing the right people in court (the translators), do you think that you can change the way your parents treat you.
On a larger scale, we all have the 1st amendment right, not just the minorities. YES, I agree, you've been denied those rights, but now that you have them (I agree with this part) do NOT think that you can reverse things and take everyone else's rights away. THAT is not how it's supposed to work.
I have the right to religious freedom and the right to free speech just like you and everyone else do. Do not try to limit me, I won't sit still for it.

AND.... AND....

As a Christian, we are supposed to love. Love our neighbor the same way we love the Lord. I am sorry not every so called Christian understands this. Loving our neighbor does not mean that we have to love the sin they are committing. AND since we are ALL sinners and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Then it really doesn't matter what the sin is that we are committing, cause we all have sin, and we are to love the sinner, not the sin.
If you manage to legislate the Bible into something that it's not, that's on you, and between you and God. Anyone that truly has a relationship with God, will have God's Word on his heart, and will know the truth, cause the Holy Spirit will tell him, if we only ask.
Your sin is between you and God. It won't stop me from loving you, as I hope that my sin won't stop you from loving me. BAck to my point, IF you succeed in changing through legislation the wording of the Bible, this will not make your sin okay with God. What God says is a sin, is a sin, and sin keeps you from having a real relationship with God. And even though legislation may say that "it's" okay, doesn't mean it's okay with God.
Please give this some thought... God loves you! regardless of our sins. But he also will not excuse our sin. (Hosea, Jennifer Rothschild)

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