Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Genesis - Torah Class

I must admit, I didn't think it would take this long to get through one book.  AND yet I thought it would take longer.  I want ALL the knowledge now, and there are so many things that are brought up, that I simply have to check out before I can move on.  I am learning so much by going through this class.  Some I admit I still have problems with, and truly I don't think it's where I wanted to go as far as my learning.  But it's good insightful information.  I think truly I should have found a Talmud class, rather than a Torah class.  Cause I want to pull these two together in my head, and I think that it would make more sense to learn the traditions and cultures.  But then again, would that just confuse me if I don't go through the Torah first.

I'm rambling, but getting my concerns off my chest.  Thanks for listening and I will post some "eye openers" for me here in the near future.  Stay tuned.

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